Dear Poppy,
You've been faced with so many dramatic changes in such a short time-frame... my own natural inclination at such a point is to minimize/reduce and simplify. Minimize distractions, simplify procedures, reduce work-load...
a very wise and honest approach, I think... admitting to self, "I can't do it all!"
Humbling, too.
You asked about what indicators to look to, for security.
I pray. Alot... All throughout the day, about every thing... decisions, indecisions, feelings, cares, doubts... every single time. The times I forget, get carried away in my own emotions or try to bypass that route, I always regret it. Thankfully, Father God is right there where I left Him, waiting for me to come to my senses. I am His child and I need Him.
Awhile back, I heard a teaching about an event in King David's life, where his wife and children were kidnapped by some bad dudes (Amalekites? I forget... one of those wicked tribes.)
Now David was quite the warrior and showed no fear in the face of enemies, any more than he had when he stood before Goliath as a boy.
But do you know what he did when his family was stolen from him?
He immediately prayed.
David asked God what he should do about this problem.
So... whenever I think to myself, "oh, the solution to this one is obvious," or
"surely I'm supposed to manage this by myself," I remember that story.
And as I don't take such things for granted anymore, and I don't look within myself or to anyone else for that sense of security, I just feel safer and sounder and more whole than ever before in my life. Knowing that we have a loving heavenly Father who truly cares about our best interests causes me to feel safe at the deepest level. Shake-ups come and I go head-over-heels, but not for long anymore, because in my heart, from so much past experience, I know that's just a waste of time and precious energy which only pleases the enemy of my soul.
You're in my prayers for a solid recovery and lots of strength, courage, peace, and joy for the journey, Pops. Hugs to you.