I have been working with a group of addicts in recovery over the past weeks. One of them gave me a piece of writing that I wiould like to share with you. It hit me like a bolt from the sky. I have edited it as it is really long but will write what was relevant to me.
"I am your addiction"
I am your friend and your lover. I have given comfort, have I not. Wasn't I there when you were lonely. When you wanted to die did you not call me. I was there. I love to make you hurt. I love to make you cry. Better yet I love it when I make you so numb, you neither hurt nor cry. You can't feel anything at all . This is true glory. I will give you instant gratification and all I ask is for long term suffereing. I have been thre for you. When things were going right in your life you invited me. You said you didn't deserve these good things and I was the only one who agreed with you.
Together we were able to destroy all things good in your life. People don't take me seriously. They take strokes seriously, heart attacks, even diabetes .
You choose to have me. So many have chosen me over reality and peace. More than you hate me. I hate all of you who seek to heal. Your healing, your growth, your finding support ino thers all weakens me and I can't function in the manner I am accustomed to. Now I must lie here quietly. You don't see me but I am growing bigger than ever. When you exist I live. When you live I only exist.
But I am here and until we meet again if we meet again I wish you sufferening and death that I may life.
When I read this I thought of XN being my addiction and felt the horror of the words but on reflection I realised that what I was reading about was the spoiling side of me. The side that wants to stop me finding my wings, being free, being adult.
I have been quite stressed over the past few days and on Tuesday night decided not to go on the river which I usually do on Tuesday evenings but a voice inside me said "If you go on the river you will feel better, everything will seem more managable afterwards" and rather than listen to the addictive spoiling voice I spent three hours on the river. I felt wonderful afterwards. This is real growth for me, to not sabotage myself, to take care of myself. I think I will always have to be vigilant around this spoiling voice - the internalized Nparent, I think.
Last week I made a kind of committment to someone that I would share their house. When I got back home I thought about it and realised I do not want to live in that area. I sweated about how I was going to call this woman and explain my change of mind. I rehearsed my words, picked up the phone 20 times, put it back down. I was so caught up in my badness about changing my mind, that I was unrelieable etc.
I phone this woman yesterday and she was so great about it. She said it is most important that you feel comfortable in a neighbourhood and the offer was open but it was completely up to me. She also said she would like to get to know me in any case whatever decision I made. It was so lovely to have contact with someone who was so respectful and kind.
Just wanted to share these words.
I would be interested to read people's reaction to the "I am your addiction " piece and how it relates to them.