This chapter was about delieverance and exorcism from devils, demons, evil spirits, satan, etc.
I was very hesitantto even comment on it, because when I first came to this board, long ago, I happened to mention that I have not only been the deliveree, but also have prayed for deliverance from devils from people. This caused me to get blasted, "flamed," and generally, it silenced me on the topic.
The truth is though, I HAVE indeed had devils cast from me and have cast them out of others. The POWER is God's not mine, but yes, it's real, it does work and people can get free of the torment.
In this book, the author gives a very "sketchy" picture of the two deliverances that he conducted. I could give much better details of how it all works. I'm not saying that to sound like I'm "all that" either, but I am letting you know that he leaves out the whole gist of the practice in this chapter, for whatever reason.
The one thing the author said, that jumped out at me though, was this: "So I have no idea whether satan actively recruits the commonly evil to its work. I suspect not. Given the dynamics of sin and narcissism, I suspect they recruit themselves. But until such time as we have greater knowledge of satan, my understanding remains faint." ( Peck, PEOPLE OF THE LIE; p 211)
See ya'll on the other side of Chapter 6