Author Topic: At last...I'm reading PEOPLE OF THE LIE and am starting this thread  (Read 3130 times)


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Re: At last...I'm reading PEOPLE OF THE LIE and am starting this thread
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2007, 12:41:15 AM »
Wow. Thanks!!  I am trying to be a good mom.  They are really great kids, you know?  I am really really lucky!!! They make me laugh! I am really blest.  You have such positive and amazing perspective.  Love that!!!!



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Re: At last...I'm reading PEOPLE OF THE LIE and am starting this thread
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2007, 10:38:32 AM »
I am constantly reminding myself, especially in the crazymaking moments, that true happiness doesn't need such extra-ordinary protections.  And real happiness can tolerate the ups and downs of living this human life.

Ah, Poppy,

A truly quotable quote!  I want to print that on a banner and fly it from my balcony! 

I think you are going to do a marvelous job of passing that on to your children.  They want to know what you know and this conclusion about life is going to be very satisfying and freeing to them.


When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: At last...I'm reading PEOPLE OF THE LIE and am starting this thread
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2007, 11:29:52 AM »

Hi RM,

I'm up to my ears catching up still from my 'hell month' back in May.  I'm reading along though.  Your participation on the board has been an inspiration over the last year or so.  Thanks.



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« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2007, 03:36:46 PM »

WOW!  this was life with KAY all over again.  She had this same sort of air about her, yet, in a way, because she also was a mix of BPD, OCD and AVOIDANT PD, she exhibited a sense of "innocence" about her.

The girl in this story...Charlene, was enough to give ANYONE a major migraine!  She had a way of being so in-yer-face, challenging and RUDE, that you KNOW she was a narcissist or just plain POSSESSED by the devil!

This chapter really sets one up to read the next one for sure!  The therapist discovers that there are some people who go BEYOND the psych issues into a spiritually EVIL realm.

It was one that kept me a bit rivited to my seat for a while.

See ya on the other side of Chapter 5, ya'll.



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PEOPLE OF THE LIE...CHAPTER 5...touchy touchy topic
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2007, 08:19:18 AM »
This chapter was about delieverance and exorcism from devils, demons, evil spirits, satan, etc.

I was very hesitantto even comment on it, because when I first came to this board, long ago, I happened to mention that I have not only been the deliveree, but also have prayed for deliverance from devils from people.  This caused me to get blasted, "flamed," and generally, it silenced me on the topic.

The truth is though, I HAVE indeed had devils cast from me and have cast them out of others.  The POWER is God's not mine, but yes, it's real, it does work and people can get free of the torment.

In this book, the author gives a very "sketchy" picture of the two deliverances that he conducted.  I could give much better details of how it all works.  I'm not saying that to sound like I'm "all that" either, but I am letting you know that he leaves out the whole gist of the practice in this chapter, for whatever reason.

The one thing the author said, that jumped out at me though, was this: "So I have no idea whether satan actively recruits the commonly evil to its work.  I suspect not.  Given the dynamics of sin and narcissism, I suspect they recruit themselves.  But until such time as we have greater knowledge of satan, my understanding remains faint." ( Peck, PEOPLE OF THE LIE; p 211)

See ya'll on the other side of Chapter 6


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Last Chapters of PEOPLE OF THE LIE
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2007, 06:35:47 AM »
I'm not going to explore this book in too much depth at this point...too much other stuff has been going on in my life, so I just don't feel up to it.

I will say that I found the author's analysis of the miliitary as N's, rather fascinating and quite accurate.  I can see how N'ism can enter into the ability to kill another human being in a form of war and battle.  It makes a lot of sense to me.

I will also say that, Peck's discussion about maintaining our ability to "love our enemies" is definitely a crucial thing in living with and dealing with N's daily in life.  If we cease to "love" in the sense of "not hate and want to destroy" the N's, we always maintain our identity as separate from their sickness.  That's been a really important thing for me in my marriage, as I realize at some point, I may have to be on my own, and I don't want to have given up ME to N, and have nothing I like or can offer others from myself anymore.

Blessya'll and this will conclude my posts on the book
