Oh Penelope/Bean...I had to say I have noticed the great and awesome growth and change in you!
When I first met you here, you and I were so cross and angry, yet all we wanted was to be allowed to be heard, to have a right to differ on things, to not have to fear recrimination of the other. (my view)
I've seen you go from someone who was so hurting and filled with rage inside, into a protective cocoon of therapy, into a butterfly, so very beautiful!
I notice I don't see a lot of posts from you anymore. That tells me that you are back in "the land of the LIVING" even more, and it's so tremendous that you finally are "YOU" more than ever.
It's been so fantastic to know you and to watch your healing, and watch you find peace.
When I was being attacked, you even defended me after a while! You and I were enemies, truly become friends in the end of things!
What an AWESOME human being you are, Penelope.
Much love, success and blessing on your journey, girl
