It is a book that my husband seems to really be taking to heart. You know where Gary talks about how the spouses have different love languages? Well, this morning after reading it to Roland, he asked me to get him some tea, but instead, he asked "My dear, will you get me some love potion please?" HEHE
My husband's love language is ACTS OF SERVICE. Mine is either GIFTS or WORDS OF AFFIRMATION. We are both going to learn how to speak what the other needs to hear in the way of love languages.
I think the chapter on divorce was so good! It really explained how painful divorce is for not only the children but, yes, the husband/wife as well. Even after the tie is ended, spouses still have to see each other in not so nice, friendly circumstances, with raw feelings still there, and often with one or the other being 'miss nice lady" or "mr good daddy" when it's their turn with the children, and making the homebody parent to seem EVIL for making children do chores, mind them, etc. Just not something I want to deal with if we can work it all out. Further, many second marriages end in divorce, because the original issues don't get fully dealt with.
It also might be interesting to note how many dysfunctional people have been divorced and remarried...the ones I know have. I'm not blaming any one in particular, but dysfuncitons do not help marriage one iota.