Hi again.
So many threads recently. This one doesn't have to do with the one about help in grieving or the other about the joy of believing in your heart and what it tells you to do with your future.
I am not complaining. I grew up getting spanked and hit when I complained so the conditioning to keep my mouth shut is strong. But I am open it and I have learned, weirdly, that timing is a big part of that in mature relationships.
It is 130am here. I have been trying to find a place to live in western U.S. through Craig's List. I stay awake until the time is right on the west coast and I call. The people who will accept pets seem interested, those who won't accept pets just say *no* and that is the end of that. I know something right will come along - even if temporary - but no words will work with the people I am around. Do they think I am _that_ powerful? I am scared, full of anxiety on a daily basis and I am accepting it and not acting it out.
I just feel so angry now. One woman, who said she would get back to me in a couple of days about her rental property, has not responded even though she sounded so positive in emails and we even exhanged personal pictures. Now I am worried. There is not one who listens to my fears. I am afraid. Where will I live? I just left my job today, whichi I loved. There are so many emotions and no one I feel comfortable tallking to. Right now, I feel sad. I wish things were different. I wish I was loved.
Thanks for listening to my words.