As crazy as this might sound, i really do love these people...
I think i learned some really important things today at church and I'm going to be making some necessary efforts in my life to produce change.
One thing I know and cling spite of anything else, my GOD loves me and thinks I'm wonderful. He knows my faults and failures. He knows the times I reacted and acted wrongly...yet, He loves me anyway...and, He loves "them" too, more than I ever could.
I just remembered a little gift that someone gave me...a tiny little container to hold my remind me that God keeps my tears in a bottle. I still have that's little and very beautiful. I never knew how much that gift could mean...till now. Lord, soften my heart.
I trust that someday, God will be able to sort all of this out. No matter what, I accept HIS will and plan for my life, my present and my future.
Dear Laura,
I think that the best way I can show people that I love them is to respect their boundaries and not try to make something happen against their wishes. That's how I deal with these things with my own grown children and others I love.
The way I look at it, it's not my place to tell my loved ones what they need... especially to tell them that they need me! After all, if it's God's will that I'm going to connect with them, He'll make a way, as I walk in obedience to Him... there's no need for me to keep trying to get their attention or do things for them that they don't appreciate.
I also believe that when we truly forgive someone, then we need to stop talking about all the ways they've wronged us. Before someone jumps to accusations that I'm saying "get over it"... that is not at all what I'm saying. So I will say again what I mean - - - IF we believe that it's important to forgive and IF we are choosing to be obedient to God in completing that forgiveness, as our own decision of will, then I think it's absolutely vital for us to stop repeating the stories of all the many offenses. Otherwise... we are double-minded and unstable in all our ways.
And the same thing about ourselves, Laura! When we've really received God's forgiveness for those wrongs which we've acknowledged on our own parts, then we can stop rehearsing those, too! Forgiven = washed away, cast into the depths of the sea, as far as east is from west, etc, etc... so that continued repeating of all that stuff becomes like a vain imagination, you know? Supposed to cast those down, right?
So I think that when we really love someone, then we must respect their wishes. Because I've seen that these love relationships can become a form of idolatry in my own life, this is something I've really had to get a handle on. Before I knew Jesus, I was always trying to get some human being to fill me up and make me feel complete. But now the only healthy way I know to love people is the way Jesus did. That's not a mooshy sort of tolerance, either... after all, the Lord even told Peter, a man whom He dearly loved, "get behind Me, Satan." Now that wasn't very nice, was it? And yet that is what He said, when Peter violated His boundary and tried to encourage Him to go against His destiny.
I hope that when you say you're accepting God's will, that means you will free yourself from this tangled web... along with all the others who've been ensnared in it.
With love,