Darling, Wonderful, Lovable Izzy-
You are so special and beautiful inside and out. I know that you have seen much, and suffered much, but you are too special to hide yourself away-so many people would benefit from seeing you, having fun with you, and being your friend. Such a brilliant, funny, lovely, indomitable soul- it's not fair to the rest of us for you to be in isolation, you are sorely needed. I for one, have decided to redo my house Izzy-style and rid myself of gee-gaws, and somehow inch my way toward the Izzy ways of discipline and perfection. The world needs to see and know you!!!! We want Izzy! We want Izzy! We want Izzy!
And, with both you and Hoppy newly busy with friends and dating, there will be a lot of fun items to read on the board! We want to hear it all!
Love You,