As I'm sitting here, still pondering today's sermon at church, I am thinking about the spoken words of people. Words that all of us have spoken or heard at one time or another. Words that meant nothing, something, everything. Words that proved true, lies, empty, broken promises. Amazes me how words can really shape who we are.
"you are the only one who understands me"
"you are the only one I trust. I trust noone but you."
"I'm not like the others. I won't leave you."
"I love you"
"you will never want for anything while you are with me"
"you are valuable; a treasure"
"you deserve dignity and respect"
"you don't need to be afraid"
"I'm not going anywhere"
"I always come back.'
"I won't tell a soul. I promise."
"what goes on here, stays here."
"It's gonna be ok"
These are some of the bricks that humans use to form, build, maintain, terminate relationships. These are the bricks that are invisible, dilapidated, painted over, traded in, and often removed in relationships. These are the bricks that people use to like, love, manipulate, control, condemn, reward, punish us.
What a POWERFUL thing the spoken word is...truly when Jesus said "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks" He said a mouthful! In the heart of the dysfunctional, is there purity in these words or should I ask which heart do they utter them from at the initial time?
I have witnessed words being able to change from one week, day, moment to the next. I even strive for consistency in my own words in my life. How can I love and hate at the same time? How can I want and yet despise at the same time? How can I be kind and unkind at the same time?
I remember one of my mentors asking "can sweet and bitter water come from the same well?" Truly it can't...yet, in dysfunction, often it sure seems to.
Just uttering some deep thoughts here. Words can really change lives for better or for worse. wow