A thought just hit me about hypnosis. I have heard this before ,but it just "hit" my heart. All our hating ourselves and thinking that we are worthless is just a hypnosis from our FOO. It is a continual listening to the 'wrong" hypnosis 'Cd's"(our N parents). WOW
All hypnosis does is to go to that deep level where we were programmed with all these terrible messages and revise them.
I just 'got"it about affirmations, also.
Yesterday, I embraced that deep feeling layer within myself. I "made friends" with it again. This is what I lost at 14. I lost connection with this deep pre verbal feeling level. I think that this is what you throw away when you "throw away" yourself
When I accepted the lie that my M was normal at 14, I threw away the connection to this level. When I really,truly accepted the truth, that my M abused me using her WILL.,the layer connected to me.
This was my goal with all my deep ( and sometimes annoying, I KNOW) posts about feelings. I kept believing that my core would reemerge if I would only keep facing the lies.
So, back to hypnosis, this must be the part of us that gets hypnotized with ALL the bad messages that we then have to FIGHT all our lives.
Maybe ,my theory is not right ,but it seems right to me.
Thanks Hops for permitting me a digression. I would love to hear anyone's thoughts on this Love Ami