Perhaps the people who want to heal will just have to have their own thread discussing that (on the main section, as the idea of a separate one didn't get discussed to any conclusion, yesterday), and those who want to talk about anything they want(but not trying to heal) to will be able to have their own threads, as they have been doing. As has been happening, the two types will be separate, but appearing on the same forum. People are free to choose which ones to contribute to, or lurk on.
We've only got here, IMO, as you said, if we want to discuss healing from N's - in'real life' no-one at all understands what work needs doing to heal, so this is our only chance, and I'm certainly not going to give up now. There are some brilliant people on this forum, and I want to keep talking things over with them.
Bullying will just have to be reported to Dr G more often, if it continues to happen.