A little while ago (maybe 2 months now!) I posted about some problems I was having with setting boundaries with my N mother, as well with a dodgy ebay seller who was harassing me for money because he got suspended and fined by ebay, for ripping too may people off.
The good news, is that the No contact rule worked very well with the ebay seller. His harassment and threats kind of esculated for 4 weeks, becoming more and more outrageous. But we decided to not engage or respond in any way whatsoever, with the plan to document his harrassment and call the police if it didn't stop.
Anyway, Lighter proposed that within 6 weeks of no contact, the harrassment should stop, and it did! Its been about 8 weeks now, and we haven';t heard a peep out of him for over 2-3 weeks, and it is a huge relief.
Thankyou Lighter, and everyone who helped me come up wit this plan.
My boundaries with my N mother are not going so great at the moment. I have been trying to wean her down to contact once every 3- 6 months (from 1-2 times a week), and I've managed to get it down to once every 2-3 weeks. However because of my general resistance to enmeshment with her, she is becoming increasingly surly and sarcastic on the phone, and she keeps threatening to move to my town to `haunt me' (her words). She has made this threat every time I've spoken to her in the last 2 months, which would be around 4-5 times now. And each time she says it in a more angry and threatening manner, as though she intends to `make' me be part of the enmeshment I am clearly resisting.
Luckily, my sister made me see that this is probably just a bluff, as her primary forms of NS (her on -again off- again husband and my youngest sister) are located where she lives now, and she wouldn't dare loosen the strangle hold she has on those relationships. So I guess I shouldn't worry too much for now.
Nonetheless, so much about her is bugging me right now. For example, although I only talk her every 2-3 weeks, its only because I don't pick up the phone every time she calls. She calls every time I talk to my fathers (i have 2), and in the past I was expected to explain myself (as this is regarded as some kind of crime in her head). Just to explain this, one of my mothers sick rules is that my Dad is `not allowed' to have close contact with anyone, especially his daughters. That goes for my brothers as well. If any such `unauthorized contact' occurs, the men in question must report back to her immediately, and explain themselves. And the same goes for me. If I fail to `report in' , it is followed by an angry call from Mum, who demands to know what we talked about and why.
Well, i don't `report in' any more, and this is causing my mother a lot of anger.
The last time I did answer her call was a few days ago, and 3 weeks had past between conversations. She immediately launched into a surly, angry attack about some contact I'd had with my biological father, and she said she was going to call the police to check up on me if I didn't contact her mroe often. That just made me resent her even more, and not want to contact her at all.
Anyway, last night I called my `non-biological father' and he told me I should talk to her more often. So I launched into all the reasons why I don't want to , and told him how much miss him and want to be closer to him. he said he wants the same thing too, but as soon as he got off the phone, he must have `reported in' to N mother, who tried to call me so I could explain why I had been talking to my Dad. So I ignored the call.
Does any of this sound like the normal reactions to avoiding enmeshment with an N, and do you think my `weaning down' contact idea is going to work? I'm a bit confused right now, I guess, and i could use some advice.
Thanks so much for listening.
X Bella