After an entire night of balling my eyes out (and subsequently feeling like I got hit by a mack truck this am), feeling like I was heading back down after climbing up a little, I came to the forum & yours was the first mail I read. I haven't been here in awhile.
It was just what I needed to read.
>Will we ever be healed? Will we ever be at peace?
This is what I was asking myself the entire night.... I'm so *tired* of searing, debilitating emotional pain, and unhappiness in life.
I *know* I am the only one that can change this.
>Healing, in the way we are healing, is about becoming aware. Often >awareness brings more disturbance.
You are so right. This is the "modus operandi" of healing, I think. And just like you mention, *where* the healing process might take me, is scary (i.e. will I lose very important relationships, which would be extremely painful? Will I take the wrong path?)
Struggling to grow, and heal is a day by day thing for me, and at least for now, I'm still willing to give it all I have. I'm so thankful that I still have the seeds of hope & faith within me. Without these things, I know I wouldn't make it.
I also like what Michelle said about not letting the past define who we are anymore. I've been feeling a bit like I can put the past into perspective, and let it go.... Like I can almost touch that place where it can be done...
Like you sjkravill, I am using my strength when I have it, to heal and grow. Today is surely not a day that I have it, but it's okay. I know it will return another day, and stay with me awhile.
Thanks for sharing (and put so beautifully) --it helps others more than you know....