Author Topic: Why am I always confused?  (Read 10103 times)


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Re: Why am I always confused?
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 2007, 03:04:18 PM »
My happiness of today is a souer happiness, I like the ideas of my boss, I like most of the changes he is making, but I hate the way he treats me. He should have never asked me if I came swiming in to this country. I had the blessing to come by plane. But I know of many people that really had to swim and were eaten by sharks in the sea or get drown in the river. That was very bad of him, not to mention that he told me that we should build walls against Mexico and that too many Spanish people are in this country and that he wont be living to see that hispanics are growing in number. That was offensive, openly offensive. I love the USA and I would be willing to fight for this country and I am an American citizen. Dr. U should not be talking to me that way.

I have a sad happiness.


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Re: Why am I always confused?
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2007, 05:57:46 PM »
Dear Lupita,
  I think that your boss just falls under the category of things that are PITIFUL and sad. One thing that I
just saw was an example of "What you sow ,you reap." There was a girl who said some nasty things behind my back( not knowing that she was talking to a friend of mine). I didn't do anything,but many misfortunes befell her. I am not saying that it was B/C of me. However, she must have built up a lot of bad "sowing" and treated many people the same way.
  There is a spiritual law of what you sow ,you reap. Your boss will answer someday about how he treated you.
Sometimes, that is the only satisfaction we can take from the whole thing.It is a promise from the Bible.
I have to do this with many people who have hurt me. I have to try to turn it over to God to "avenge". God tells me NOT to do it--EVEN though I want to very much,at times             Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Why am I always confused?
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2007, 06:52:54 PM »
Dear Lupita,
  I think that you took a good step. You realized that at church it felt good when people approved of you,but that it would not last and you needed to go inside and find your deepest self and love her.
  That is a very big step ,Lupita                                    Love Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Why am I always confused?
« Reply #18 on: September 30, 2007, 09:11:00 PM »
Hi Lup,
It is lovely that the people responded with love and welcome for you, and for the other new members.

Imagine you were secure, established, and that noone would ever even think to suggest you do not belong. Imagine that you have been enjoying this feeling of safety and belonging and kinship for many, many years...

Now imagine that a new, frightened person is standing there with you, on their first day as part of this community. What would you feel toward them? Would you feel kindness? Compassion for their uncertainty? Eagerness to make them welcome, to assure them of your loving intention?

All of those things ... you can learn to feel toward yourself. It's like, being a gracious host, a loving yourself.

(No more cruel lists of things you find flawed. Okay? Stop them when you start them! Say to yourself, I love you and I welcome you. I think that's how you do it.)

love, and welcome,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Why am I always confused?
« Reply #19 on: October 01, 2007, 07:05:37 AM »
Writing thoughts, having something in my wrist to remember me when I am thinking bad thoughts, welcome my self, those are very good advises.
Thoughts for today.
Last night I went to salsa class. I astrtaed to feel sad at salsa class. Two guys, used ot be very bad dancers. I helped them, I practiced with them, a lot, hours, although it was very boring to dance with them, I did, a lot of times. After three onths of practicing with them, they decided to go after other ladies. It is OK with me, I want to be friends with them, but I still want to dance with them. Well, they do not dance with me anymore. They just did not want to dance with me yesterday. I did not look for other partners because I was relying on them. I was very lonely. I invited a friend from the gym, she is very pretty and good person. Those "idiots" (they are not idiots, only selfish b*tches) started going after my friend and ignored me totally.
I need to find new partners. I need to stop feeling bad ofr what other people do. It is not under my control what other people do. I have to feel well on my own.
There I go to school, pray ofr me dear friends.


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Re: Why am I always confused?
« Reply #20 on: October 01, 2007, 09:11:53 AM »
Dear Lupita,
  I know that you are hurting,but you sound better than you ever did,before. At least you know that the answer starts with you. That is a huge step forward(IMO).
 I am praying for you and I bet that you will have a good day,today                    Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Why am I always confused?
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2007, 10:31:36 AM »
You don't have any choice but to perservere, Lupita.

How will you perservere.... that is the question.

Imminent victory.... or constantly defeated without hope?

I hope you choose to steele yourself and set your cap on choosing better people.

Setting goals that build you up, lay stepping stones to better places and feelings.

That's all you can do every moment of every day.

You can't ::Poof!:: make things different in a moment.

Things ebb and flow.... even when you're doing the very best job you can and keep your attitude positive and resolute.

You need to set it in your heart....

You will be OK.

You will make better choices every day.

You will say no to the things and people that don't build you up.  No waffling.  No agonizing.... just.....


Don't let evil words in.... remember?

You don't have to internalize crap.... leave it where it belongs... with the people who try to share it with you.


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Re: Why am I always confused?
« Reply #22 on: October 02, 2007, 07:00:37 PM »
Today i had problems in my third period class. Two students refused to sit down. They do not want to sit down on time everyday, they want me to take time to tell them to sit down. Just plain defiance. So I called a parent and it seemed to me that he hanged up but I called him back and he said that he was going to talk to his son. I talked to the youth group bible teacher and he said that he was going to talk to him. I had a conference with themother of the other. She said that she was going to help but that her son only misbihaved in my class, so I tolde her that that made me very sad because I was not doing anything different than other teachers and that why was he doing those things only to me. She said that he was going to stop but his face did not show any remource. I know from  my heart that he is going to misbehave again because that is his personality.
The point is that I feel so bad, because Iknow I do not count on my boss, I feel that I am alone, that I am being accused of something that I do not know, I cannot see a Low and Order program, becuase I feel too much stress thinking that I am being prosecuted for something I did not do.
I just hope that these feelings end. I honestly blame my boss for these feelings because he started ataking me for no reason. But I know that you are going to tell me that I have to nurture my self and that I have to find security fomr inside me.
very difficult.


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Re: Why am I always confused?
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2007, 09:55:04 AM »

I think they're backing you up the best way they can.... by standing there with you, in life.

They aren't picking a fight or making him cry uncle..... not sure how to feel about that yet.

You feel better.

I'm glad.

I'm  curiouse whether or not you feel pity for the little bully bigot, standing there... not being asked into line.... all by himself?

I did.

In my mind I picture you extending grace to him.... so that perhaps he stops hating for a minute.... and sees your individual face.

He's been lumping groups of people together and hating them wholesale.... to feel better about himself.

Now..... it would seem some of the pay off has been removed by the pastor and other church members.

Dare I use the word....?


It would be so nice if this Dr. Boss man saw your face and realized he was being extended grace, though he gave none. Wow....

It would be nice if you realized that there will always be little people in positions of authority, who abuse that authority.

Nothing to do with you.... it's universal.

I want Lupita to have her imaginary helmet on..... be comfortable in her own skin and be Ok, no matter what comes her way. that's not really true.

I guess...

I want you know deep down without a doubt... that you will be OK.... no matter.

You are worthy, the same as the rest of us. 

Claim it and know it.

Poppy Seed

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Re: Why am I always confused?
« Reply #24 on: October 03, 2007, 10:14:04 AM »
Do you claim that Lighter?  Have you succeeding in owning your worthiness and believing that you can handle, with grace everything that comes???

And if you have, what was the thing or the time that help that shift to take place for you?



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Re: Why am I always confused?
« Reply #25 on: October 03, 2007, 11:29:27 AM »

It may not always be graceful.... but I believe, to the bottom of my soul.... that I can handle whatever comes along.... and it'll be OK.

Ok,. lol..... it's NOT always graceful, lol. 

Even if it's not ok....

 it'll be ok, though.... I do believe that.

I guess that's why I say here it so much.... that's what it came down to for me... and how I make it day to day.

Ya, I believe I'm worthy....

and maybe that didn't happen for me till I was in my mid 30's?  Sounds right. 

I will tell you this..... pulling myself up by the bootstaps, making a plan and acting, pretending I felt worthy when I didn't, pretending things would be OK when I didn't know..... surviving something more painful than I'd ever faced before.... were the building blocks over years that lead to this place. 

I hope there's better places to come and that my current troubles are building blocks, as well. 

In any case.... I have to believe they are.

The old...."what doesn't kill me makes me stronger" saying is exactly true, in my case.

 I sure am tired of growing.

I also took what made sense from professionals who figure this stuff out for a living... and left the rest.

So now.... if ever I doubt, bc the facts say I must,  I still have some small belief inside myself. 


I guess I'd have to call it faith based though I found that faith through painful experiences......

I wasn't raised in the church and I'm spiritual rather than religous.

About the redemption stuff......

for me.... Lupita's boss coming around and embracing her, bc she extended grace.... would be 100X more powerful than Lupita extending grace to him.

Lupita is a kind gentle soul who wishes no one harm. 

She doesn't feel better when she harms other people.

Being kind and extending grace makes her feel better about herself, on the norm, bc that's her nature.

Dr. Employer.... does feel better when he's cruel to other people.

For him to go against his nature would be a very rare act of grace... since most everyone DOES what makes them feel good, right?

For me..... it's the absolute definition of redemption..... when this happens. 

I don't know how Lupita feels about it. 

I don't know how I'd feel about it if I were in her position.... I certainly struggle with these same issues myself as a human being, every day: /

Today I have the luxury of viewing her situation as an outsider.... without the pain and emotion she's experiencing so.... it's easier for me to see this.

It comes and goes... ebs and flows...  all the time getting stronger (I hope.) 

Two steps forward.... one step back. 

You know.... the normal act of healing and feeling comforatable in our skins..... growing patience and calm strength within ourselves..... running around in mad cirlces for a spell.... processing enough to get a grip.... plan..... remain stable no matter what?

I guess it all comes down to our definition of the words stable, redemption, grace, nurture, belief and human nature?

I'm babbling now and must run... thank goodness.

(((Poppy)))  We're all worthy... we just have to figure out how to believe. 

Do you claim that Lighter?  Have you succeeding in owning your worthiness and believing that you can handle, with grace everything that comes???

And if you have, what was the thing or the time that help that shift to take place for you?


Poppy Seed

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Re: Why am I always confused?
« Reply #26 on: October 03, 2007, 11:56:17 AM »

It facinates me to hear what the view is like from the higher plateaus.  Thanks.  Sorry if I made you defend your comments to Lupita.  I really just wanted to know how you had managed your success.  I loved the comments you made.  So insightful.

Grace.......much different than graceful, isn't it???  :lol:


  I am sorry for the hijack.  Back to you....... Your situation is challenging.  There is not doubt about that.



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Re: Why am I always confused?
« Reply #27 on: October 03, 2007, 01:20:03 PM »
The short of it is.....

I think we'll always feel better if we take the high road..... even if we do so for people who would never extend a kindness to us

I don't think changing who we are.... the good things about us..... is something we should strive for, not that anyone here was suggesting anything of the sort. 

Would Lupita feel better if she got her boss smacked around and punished.....

or if she was the catalyst for a bigoted bully to examine his belief system and change for the better?

Not saying we should be ungaurded chumps who don't want other's held accountable for their actions.....

just aware of what our goals are, mind, body and spirit.


Re reading that made me acutely aware of how our natures, at least my nature, makes me the perfect N companion. 

I don't think we seek them out....... it's them who seek us. 

::Smacking self around:: 

I distinctly remember giving up on REDEMPTION, several months ago!!!!


It's so hard not to backslide, ya know?

::shaking head::

Poppy Seed

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Re: Why am I always confused?
« Reply #28 on: October 03, 2007, 01:40:27 PM »
You understand the balance!  And I love how you do it.  Your gumption!  Your spirit!  Your love and insight!  And human kindness! ......And sass!  Let's not forget the sass!!!   

I feel like what you describe is how I have tried to live my life.  This kind of view has been part of myself that I allowed to fade away or be put away. ANGER AT SELF!  Now I am fighting to get it back.  Fighting to give myself permission to come back to life!!   I guess I was prey for the N's as well.  I feel more like "N-food" rather than a companion.  Companionship implies some sort of equality.

Holding people responsible......but with kind understanding.....grace......Beautiful concept!  Add a bullet to my "practice balance" check-list.

Thank you for giving parts of me a voice!!  And helping me remember that this personality in me was good!

I see the day when my strength will outweight my want for strength!


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Re: Why am I always confused?
« Reply #29 on: October 03, 2007, 01:55:02 PM »
G r a c e.

I love that word.

I also love the concept of having strength enough to outweigh our desire to posess it.

Yes.... that's part of the key, isn't it?