Mine's kinda embarrassing... but I was in a different spot in life then...
I was living by myself in Texas... had just- finally- dumped the guy of 6 years who was SO NOT RIGHT for me... he was a patronizing schmuck. I went to the gym a lot. I looked good. A ton of married men hit on me and I was beginning to think all men were scum...
So... I was working as a teacher and living in an apartment so small it had a Murphy bed... I would sometimes go out at night to a "club" - more like a little "in" bar and have a beer or two. So... one night I was there alone and sitting outside just loving the soft night weather when some guy commented on my perfume. And then he and my husband-to-be came over and sat down. Where I was teaching, there were a lot of gangs and such, and we got into talking about how bad they were and about what problems there were in the city. His group was all in college together and they were all nice. For some reason, I offered to give him a ride homw (I NEVER did this, being a single gal). Some girls who knew him saw us on our way out and they all told me how sweet he was. I dropped him off at home and we exchanged phone numbers. He had been in the service and was living at home while getting his degree so he could go back in as an officer.
He called me a lot for a month, we talked a lot on the phone and, finally, he asked if I was going to go out with him or was he wasting time? So we went out to dinner. He was polite, took me home early as he knew I had to work the next day and there was no fumbling at the door...
I think I liked him for many reasons. He had traveled, he had goals, he respected me... As things went along, he introduced me to his mom and sister. One day, I was being silly and asked him, "What do you like about me?" He really surprised me - he answered, "Your air of confidence when you enter or leave a room." Honestly, I was expecting some answer that had to do with boobs...
I thought he was kind of dorky... but then I realized it was the good kind of dorky - smart and funny.
As all couples do (I hear), we hit a rough spot at four years into our marriage. But both of us had decided upon agreeing to get married that it was for good... it was rough for a while. I think there is always a time (or even there are a few) when you wonder if you really like the other person. We've both been buttheads. Each of us will tolerate so much before there is a break (we hit a wall and pound through it) and we start over - and try to learn from the mistakes and bad times.
So... 15 years almost... I think he is less dorky and more hot now. He still gets on my nerves - especially on Sunday mornings... We have OK days and great days. We adore the kids. He mostly loves Henry and tolerates the guinea pigs.
Hope I didn't send you into a snooze...
Love, Beth