Author Topic: Psychological Toxins  (Read 2492 times)

Poppy Seed

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Psychological Toxins
« on: September 30, 2007, 04:15:38 PM »
I have spent a lot of time thinking about toxic people.  You know, getting them outside of my boundaries or out of my heart or even my life.  I was reading with my H this morning and the author talked about Psychological toxins -- meaning false beliefs, fears, attitudes, thinking errors, etc.  It kinda helped me to detach myself from some of my beliefs when I thought about them as toxins.  Changing my faulty belief system seems a daunting task -- it feels to intertwined in determining who I am.  But thinking about them as toxins that block my psyche from functioning the way it should helped to bring my Goliath down to size.  And helped me to feel more powerful in fighting this battle.

Anybody have any thoughts............?



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Re: Psychological Toxins
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2007, 05:50:44 PM »
My inner child book says that ANY belief that hurts you is 'toxic". That is a powerful idea,isn't it ?       Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Psychological Toxins
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2007, 05:57:39 PM »

Could you expand on the subject, I am interested.  Xn's sister once told me she thought he was toxic...............


Certain Hope

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Re: Psychological Toxins
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2007, 10:21:29 PM »
Dear Pops,

For me, the word "no" is a great cleanser.

Works on getting toxic people out of our face, and also effective for getting our own false beliefs out of our systems.

Differentiating is the first key, right? Trying to individuate before we're differentiated (sound boundaries in place) is what gets things all muddled for me. Until I can really get a firm handle on who I am, as far as personality, talents, gifts, preferences, dislikes... all I've been able to do is focus on who God says I am in Christ. First off, I had to see that I'm not an object... and I am no one's accessory.
Until I saw that I was not created to complement someone else's image or agenda, I didn't have a clue where to begin.

So if I'm understanding you rightly, what you're talking about is the renewal of the mind. And I guess the thing to do is to go back through all our old childlike "whys"... only this time, we ask those whys of God and trust that He'll give us the truthful response.
Best parent ever, He is  : )



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Re: Psychological Toxins
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2007, 10:35:51 PM »

I think in terms of refiling people.... now.

If someone turns out to be NOT trustworthy... time to refile them in a place they recieve NO trust.

If they turn out to be a daft and do damage right and left.... without a thought for anyone else but themselves..... except to ask for pity and point fingers for something they themselves are doing.... well.... the get refiled too! 

I try not to get mad or even or bent out of shape anymore....

I try to take responsibility for what's mine and.....

that right!

R E F I L E: )


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Re: Psychological Toxins
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2007, 10:44:11 PM »
Boy what a great thread.  I have read a book called Toxic People.  I know people who are like bad drugs-they do something to you-they make you sick!  I especially liked what Carolyn said.  I was thinking reframe but refile seems like a good term as well!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"

Poppy Seed

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Re: Psychological Toxins
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2007, 10:55:49 PM »
Hey all,

I think I was thinking primarily about toxic stuff inside my head like:  my thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, decisions about self and the world, thinking I can actually control stuff, believing that I am unlovable, needing approval, etc etc.  The BEDROCK stuff.  I think that I am learning to think about these things as foreign objects, so to speak, in my psyche.  Anything that puts me back in shame or makes me feel rage or makes me jump into old pattern of codep or fear.  Powerless thoughts.  Those thoughts that say, "Here, come walk all over me!"  All those things in my head that I cling to as truth that really are not part of me at all.  

Cleansing my thoughts is where I need to put more of my energy.  And replacing with truth.   Just like I do my body with my healthful routines.  I wouldn't cling to mold or guck in my environment.  But I will cling to it in my head!  

It makes me feel more powerful against all this stuff when I think of these things as invaders or head pollution maybe.  Then I act like I would when ants invade my kitchen.  I don't tolerate it for a minute.  I get the bug spray!!! 

I will add more details later.  I am tired and think I will go to bed now.  Chow!


PS.  Quote of the day:  "The truth will set you free, but it will make you miserable first!"  Ha HA HAAA!
« Last Edit: September 30, 2007, 10:59:32 PM by Poppyseed »

Certain Hope

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Re: Psychological Toxins
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2007, 07:54:05 AM »
Dear Poppyseed,

Woke up thinkin about this... because for me, I seem to have to dig beneath the toxic beliefs and redefine their terms.

Loveable, for instance. Big trouble with that one. To me, it meant being agreeable, easy-going, non-confrontational, "cute" (ugh), solicitous (bigger ugh)... basically just disappearing for the sake of making the other person feel better.

After reading your last post, I'm picturing our spiritual/emotional immune system as being founded on valid definitions of the terms so that it can produce antibodies to the invading toxic infection of deceitful concepts and beliefs. Without a highly functioning immune system, we're vulnerable to all sorts of attacks, right? Antibiotics can drive out the worst of them and clean up our bloodstream, and yet we're left with the job of rebuilding our basic protections against future invasions... to be prepared to fight them off.

Morning rambles here... have a great day, Pops : )

With Love,


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Re: Psychological Toxins
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2007, 08:17:25 AM »
How do you undo those negative thoughts and feelings that have been programmed into our hard drive?  Just like a computer if you erase them they are forever etched on the hard drive.  My worse thoughts?  Fat and ugly.  Trying to undo that but it is hard.  Also a feeling of futility.  Knowing that I will never be out of my mothers shadow.  But thinking that that matters and it really doesnt.  I am nice and she is not so I have that going for me! 

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"

Certain Hope

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Re: Psychological Toxins
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2007, 08:36:26 AM »
Dear Kelly,

Just say No (over and over and over) to those lies.

Uncovering that false self-talk and replacing it with true stuff is definitely the thing to practice.
I have taken to saying it aloud... "No, that is not true for me."  "No, I reject that thought. God tells me who I am in Him, nobody else."
"No, that does not fit my identity in Christ."  No, no, no, NO... however many times it takes.

You know that verse about resisting the devil and he will flee from you?
I believe it.
I also believe the first part of it, where we're told to submit ourselves to God... it's a package deal.
As much as I've failed in that, He always holds out another opportunity to try again... and each new day is such a chance.

Love to you, Kelly,



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Re: Psychological Toxins
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2007, 09:07:46 AM »
I think that HOWEVER we can replace the "Psychological Toxins"---  Replacing them  is the key.
What I find is surprising and strange is my resistance to giving them up.It is like I have a knife sticking in my heart and gut,but I don't want to pull the knives  out.
  This is what I am facing ,now. I WANT ,at some level(deep) to KEEP them.Shunned was talking about "resistance" a few months ago. I did not know what she meant(in my heart). However,I do,now.
  I have many reasons ( which I am not aware of) WHY I don't really WANT to change( down deep).
  I feel like I am at a good place of facing it.This is a good first step. What I can face,I can change.
  It makes no sense, intellectually. However,it MUST  make emotional sense. I am going to ask my inner child WHY I am afraid or "don't want to change  patterns that are killing and hurting me.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung

Poppy Seed

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Re: Psychological Toxins
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2007, 12:27:35 PM »
Here are some cool ideas on this from blog entitled:  THOUGHT FOR FOOD

Anyone who is on a regimen of prescription medication is aware of the dangers of drug interactions. This is where a substance affects the activity of a drug, or vice versa. There can be an amplifying or diminishing of effect or an entirely new effect that neither the drug, nor the substance, would produce on their own. Interactions are typically between drugs (drug-drug interaction), but can also be between drugs and food (drug-food interaction), as well as drugs and herbs (drug-herb interactions).

Interactions of this type are common in allopathic medicine, because chemical compounds that are designed to kill microscopic “bad guys” that have invaded our bodies through environmental factors, or have been ushered in using our food and water as “carriers.” Compounding these conditions are psychological positions that we adopt, and vigorously hold on to, such as victimus magnus, blame-atosis, guilt tripitis, and anger excessivitis, just to name a few. These psychological states also affect, and even trigger physiological interactions, for chemical toxins and mental toxins are “cut” from the same sphere of consciousness, and will therefore form a resonance.

This sphere of consciousness is neck deep in the perception of duality, where “good” and “bad” are separate and distinct, where unfamiliarity and fear can cause friends, neighbors, and kindred to see each other as enemies, God as detached, mute, and unresponsive, and death as the ultimate master over life. This is the place where dis-ease is summoned and tenaciously held on to while we, or our medical saviors, try in vain to kill it.

Fortunately, this is only a sphere, or range of consciousness, not the totality.

In the same way that a tornado could rage through a region while only a few miles away, the sun calmly shines its pleasantries, health and the power to heal exists simultaneously for those who are suffering the ravages of dis-ease. They are found in another sphere or region of consciousness. It is a realm that is entered through forgiveness, not just the capacity to forgive, but the actual act itself.

The capacity to forgive is within each of us, no matter where we are in consciousness. The willingness to forgive is another matter. More than a matter of choice, it is a matter of seeing the present harm that holding on to psychological toxins and obstinate, separative positions, is causing upon one’s life.

We may want vengeance on someone else, but the intent to seek it will extract its toll on us. We may want to see someone else suffer the way (we think) they caused us, or our loved ones to suffer, but our intent opens us to the same fate, even if the object of our negativity is never affected.

Untransmuted anger and the desire for vengeance or retribution on someone else are often revealed in the form of disease. The effect that such energy has on our physiology is no mistake; no defect. In fact, it is an act of protection, as our body will naturally attempt to minimize the adverse effects of such “foreign agents” upon our being. It does so by compartmentalizing toxins within its tissues, buying us time to allow us to “get a clue.” As toxic build ups increase, pain is another result, indicating that of some form of imbalance needs our attention. This is not punishment; it is notification, a wake up call to consider doing or thinking differently. However, we are now accustomed to taking a pill to turn this natural and beneficial alarm clock, off. We simply think that something “bad” has “happened” to us; not that we have habituated the effect, and can change it naturally.

Duality perfectly blinds us to the real doorway to healing, which is forgiveness, and the power that is donned when we walk through; love. Duality also masks our consciousness from awareness that we are the source of both “the problem,” and more importantly, the solution.

Love is the first energy of health and the restoration thereof. By accepting love into your heart, and opening your mind to new, healthy possibilities, you will be guided to new spheres of consciousness, awareness, and belief, not only about health and healing modalities, but about life, and about you.

The human body will naturally resonate with, and perfectly reflect the appropriate thoughts, attitudes and functionality that serves the experience that we have chosen. We may in fact, “paint (and pain) ourselves into a corner,” until we realize and accept that it is of our own creation. That’s one of the hardest, and sometimes most expensive “pills” to take. But it is also the most liberating.

Overcoming blame-atosis, for example, fosters a self examination, where we can see how positions we’ve taken over the course of our lives has brought us to this point. However, when this reflection is seen through forgiving eyes and a loving heart, we also become aware of new approaches and solutions to old problems. That is what’s happening today.

Let me know what you think.....
« Last Edit: October 02, 2007, 12:31:31 PM by Poppyseed »


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Re: Psychological Toxins
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2007, 12:34:03 PM »
I believe what you post says.It is a wonderful body of truth. In my experience,I have to dump out the bad  -lies and distortions--before - any wisdom can touch my heart.It can touch my head( and it has many times). I have walls of books, Cd's and tapes. Only when I faced the lies that I had swallowed,would any of them penetrate so that they would( and could) help me. That is just my  experience. Thanks for the post  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung

Poppy Seed

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Re: Psychological Toxins
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2007, 12:37:55 PM »
Hey thanks, Ami.  I appreciate that.  And your earlier thoughts too.

Poppy Seed

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Re: Psychological Toxins
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2007, 12:39:39 PM »
I just had to add that I LOVE the title of this blog :  THOUGHT FOR FOOD.  Feels akin to the idea of Food as Medicine.

I just love this way of thinking.

« Last Edit: October 02, 2007, 02:58:41 PM by Poppyseed »