((((((((Pops))))))))) Thanks for the cheers... one day at a time, one foot before the other, etc, etc... lol... oy vey. Dental work proceeds this coming Thursday, but my dread is gone. Now I only want to move beyond the repairs into the thriving.
"This too shall pass" is my byline these days.
My gardening is scattered across 1/2 acre - in impromptu plots, hangbaskets, buckets, rock beds... nothing formal (I don't do formal), just quite... well, naturalized. Mainly, it consists in removal of monstrous jungle-like weedery and discovering what latest little blooms might have been hidden by the overgrowth. Lotsa sweet little blossoms have come up by seed this year, and even in the autumn, there are new discoveries to be made. I let one giant pot of coleus go ahead and flower, instead of pinching off the bloom spikes, and it has become a butterfly haven - fun to watch. Many things burn out in the intense August heat and then rebirth in September, so this is a second-Spring for me.
I'm so glad to hear that your family enjoyed the trip!
Your children sound like they enjoy the same sorta things mine always have... and that makes for great fun, I think.
Despite the difficult circumstances, your attitude is excellent and that's what will carry each of us through, no matter what, I believe. I'm so sorry for the couple who had a miscarriage... that had to have been a very trying time for them, trying to follow through on these previously made plans. Not picking up their pain and feeling responsible for "fixing" it would have been a challenge for me, I know... but sounds like you did wonderfully with all this! Enjoying yourself - literally - yes. That's the way to go.
The stresses of the trip are, I'm sure, what brought the argument at its end. No doubt you and your husband both needed some time alone to regroup. His regrouping seems to mean tightening the mask on more firmly... and that's tough to take when you want to get down to the nitty gritty. I do hope you two will be able to reach a compromise on the method of tackling difficult issues... because that seems to be where the trouble begins. It's not even the issues themselves, so much as the style of approaching them, maybe.
Wish I had some great approaches to fix the problem, Pops... but this one, I think, was simply unfortunate timing?
Praying for wisdom and new insights for us all...
With love,
P.S. Oh, I love the balsamic vinegar story... sounds like something I would do!

Just think... how brave you were to try this procedure... chemistry in the kitchen! -wink- I'm sure the steaks were delicious!