Remember just a few weeks ago I was saying I was free of hurt and anger????? Well, it's passing... Guess my pink cloud is set to evaporate

My sister came to visit and it was 95% great. We really seem to be on the mend. She is very important to my kids and loves them. And we had some talks - most of which skirted issues, but brought them to light nevertheless.
As you know, we've been back in America about three months. When we got here, my parents couldn't be bothered to call. When I mentioned I hadn't heard from them to my sister, my mother started calling more frequently for a while. But it was pointless. We really don't have much to talk about. If my dad is around, we can have a conversation - or start to- until my mother takes it over with some thing she can jam in...
So... they still never call. She called me once (coincidentally right before my sister came... I am assuming it was so it wouldn't be too odd that she would be calling her all day while I was with her). She apologized a hundred times in a fake tone, because "I just forget you live here!!!." When she does call, she makes sure I know she has to use a calling card - I guess to point out that she is spending yet more money on me...
My kids have called my parents and my mother never knows who they are until they tell her. They are her own grandkids and she knows no other children who would call. My son will call to talk football with my dad once in a while, but we call mainly only if he will be there. She still jumps in and tries to take over. But dad is pretty good about it. He adores talking to the kids and is interested in them. If my mother talks to them, it is to tell them what new thing she has bought herself.
They are coming back at the end of the month. I am wrestling with the fact that Thanksgiving and Christmas are around the corner. I don't have the money to travel now - our finances are not what they were when we were overseas. Even though I have been the one to travel to them on my dime, except when they came to visit because Mom wanted a fun trip, I am feeling guilty about this. And I feel she will use it against me.
I don't know. I think I am babbling. But I feel garbage building up and I was feeling good before. Why does it change? How do I amke it so this just plain doesn't happen anymore????
Thanks for listening.
Love, Beth