My wonderful beautiful friends
I feel good - doing a little happy dance. Not that I ever doubted he was an N but boy its good to have it affirmed. Feel no guilt am sure I did the right thing. It is 10 months down the road and I got a taste of what it could have been like if I had not left.......... so glad I did. Oh I think he thinks he left me!!!!!!
I know the closure has to come within me and seems like the gaping hole is getting smaller and smaller each day When I was speaking to him I had a sense of you guys being in the room and that was comforting.
Why can't they talk straight.......... simple because they are Ns and always fishing always trying to destablise, its a good way to set the virus going in your head so that you are trying to make sense of what they say. There is no point just like your x they are a bit dumb really they don't get the bit that after leaving an abuser the victims do see what is going on. Its like they rewrite history. I have no doubt XN has twisted our conversation in his head at this stage.
I think you are so right, as usual. I will observe myself over the next few weeks and see how I am. I had gotten to the point where when he would come into my head I would observe the thought and out loud say "thinking" it worked.
ABout the newness......... its great. It is ironic that I ended up in XN's home city though. In fact I park my car outside the house he lived in as a child weird or what. Anyway, I love it. I love my course. At the moment I am taking classes in Dynamics of Conflict, Conflict and Identity, Latin America and the conflict and torture that went on there. It is interesting in that we do a lot of work on victims and how victims see themselves etc, breaking the cycle. I just love the classes. Made some nice friends, a few Yanks in the class. There is so much reading to do it is incredible and my poor old brain is struggling with retaining anything but I trust it is going in there somewhere. I have a big essay to write over the next few weeks so that should be interesting and a major CHALLENGE.
I have been good around getting exercise every day and that taking care of myself is proving to be powerful work. Most days I ask myself how I am and the answer so far has been I AM HAPPY.
How about you? and the business? I do hope it is going the way you want it to. I think of you so often.
Once again thank you all for the marvellous support I get here
A happy axa