Author Topic: Standin up, admitting: " I AM AN EXCITEMENTAHOLIC "  (Read 2820 times)


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Re: Standin up, admitting: " I AM AN EXCITEMENTAHOLIC "
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2007, 12:49:07 AM »
ok CB...sorry I misunderstood then

Poppy Seed

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Re: Standin up, admitting: " I AM AN EXCITEMENTAHOLIC "
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2007, 02:32:10 PM »
Thanks so much.  I love all the many different personalities in people and it makes me sad   when they feel that they have to rein in their unique selves.  A lot of the fun conversations I have with people in the 3D world are about ways to run with those aspects of our personalities that may seem like they are negative, but which have actually never found a positive outlet.

This is profound.  Thanks CB.

I have some really fun friends that are stretching me these days.
 (Looking in with my face pressed against the window)  I want some friends like that! :)

RM,  You sound like you are really growing.  I have learned a lot from peeking in.
