Dear Axa,
I can utterly relate to how you're feeling.
Until very very recently (and she just turned 27) I went through the same thing with my daughter, over and over, in large ways and small. I got so I felt her word meant nothing, and that was a terrible way to think.
But it's better now. The biggest change was time. The other was me. I pulled back and demanded of myself that I not need her approval or acceptance or affection in order to be happy. I allowed myself to be angry at her, and allowed her to be angry at me.
Now I miss her sometimes, but not in the way I used to. I can tell that she's growing up. And without me controlling it or guiding it. I've done my part. The rest is gravy.
Now I'm trying to see any time with her at all, as gravy. I think I spoiled her in ways, suffocated her in ways, and needed her too much. So her differentiating has been a wrenching process. Deep down, though, I know it's been necessary.
I've gotten more interested in my own life. And that's been an excellent development. It's really up to her now, whether she continues her adulthood as a selfish or a considerate person. She can be either. Is both.
But if something isn't okay with me, it's okay with me to say so. Generally though, I can't plan around her, and won't for a long time, I think. Part of it may be generational, part of it passive-aggressive stuff. Doesn't really matter though.
I wonder if you're needing him more than usual because you just moved, and you're more isolated than usual because you're in a new place, so any evidence of connection would mean so very much to you right now. Whereas for most 23 y/'s nice and all, and of course he loves you, but it's just another visit with mom.
(((((((((((((((Axa))))))))))) as everybody said, time will change this. Meanwhile, you're going to not be so hurt by it, I think, as you get involved more in your own life. You've been a good mother, and he has to make his mistakes and learn his own lessons (including having people he's close to get mad at him now and then).