hi (((((ToWrite)))))
I was decked by ageism and terrifed, as my last employment wound down.
All the frisky puppies in this town have PhDs. I'm 57 and had just grown out my white hair.
Oh what dark thoughts.
Then one day I followed an impulse to contact a local business and offer to barter my editing skill to tidy up their website...and now, I'm closing in on my first anniversary at the happiest job I've had for years.
Money's tight, and I've scaled down dreams. But I've dreamed new ones, and the whole Voluntary Simplicity thing is where I'm at anyway. (Not much choice, when you're already getting your work clothes at Goodwill.)
Happiness is still possible. Just let go of believing you can predict it, but stay open to the possibility of good things.
That was the lightbulb for me. Once I finally shoved out the fear and said, that's it, I can't change the world so I'll just be happy anyway and keep applying. That's when it happened.
I send much sympathy for the search. You will find or be found.