Ami, I'll keep sharing. I haven't done the last couple of exercises, although I want to. I'm going through it pretty slow, and just doing the exercises that have the most meaning for me at the moment. I think the next one I'm going to do is the history reenacting itself one.
Changing, I love that song. I always did.

Leah, sorry, I think I posted after my excitement last night, so I might have been reading into things that weren't there. I thought this was a valuable exercise, actually. It let me see where I lost my power and why, and that alone gives the power to take it back.
Here are my answers for those who were curious:
1. constant crticism, emotional blackmail, emotional and verbal abuse-- you're lazy, you're starting to get saddlebags, why can't you get as good of grades as Anita or do as good as Anita or why didn't you win that award like your friend.
2. took care of dad while mom was at work (starting around age 12), cleaned the house, made dinner and cleaned up when mom was at work.
3. mom and dad
4. mom and dad
5. dad
6. mom
7. Mom lived through me, encouraged me to do things she wanted, sunday school, pledgees, classes, clothes etc. I had to have the best greades and get honors or she didn't consider me worth of love. My interests, reading writing, fantasy, myth, religion were highly discouraged. "You need to stop living in a fantasy world." Dad stayed silent. Sometimes we talked. Mostly he dreank, read, did yard stuff, left to hunt. Very distant.
8. No, my choices and opnions were ignored. I was never told or given any sort of voice.
9. Michael, Jen, Dave, Joey & Sharon . . . mom and dad?
10. Yes, to the first 5, no mom and & dad still treat me like I'm 12.
11. No, asking has never helped
12. Yes
13. I'm not all the time, but I'm angrier than I should be.
14. I'm not helpless, but often depressed.
15. Yes, I never ask for what I need
16. No, although I don't feel supported by mom and dad.
Looking at that, I can sort of see how I either gave away my power, or else never really had any power to begin with.