Hey Pops... thanks for the call out, you sweetie
Everything's okay, just developing my new routine and not finding much time to sit down!
Started my part time job yesterday and it's taking all I've got to keep track of priorities and not fall behind.
Since my brush with despondency last week, been m focusing hard on staying in God's Word and not reading much else besides... and I feel so much better! Energy levels increased, feeling more content... going back to work was really just what I needed (which, of course, God knew perfectly well).
I'll make some time to catch up on the posts here as possible... just this week in particular is a bit frenzied. I'm wondering whether you received any more test results from your doc and are the B12 shots helping? I've been taking B12 vitamins orally and noticing a marked improvement.
Every little bit helps!
Well, you take good care of yourself and make sure you're getting good nourishment for all the parts of you, dear Poppy... I'll be praying, as always.
With love,