Thanks to all,
My daughter died when she was 15. She was so smart and funny, even when she was dying she made me laugh. Before she did she and I talked about when I was a kid. She said she knew how difficult it was for me to have a Mom like I did but she was grateful to her because otherwise I could not have been her Mommy. Her passions were art and animals. Her plan after her transplant, which never came, was that she would be an artist or a vet. I never met anyone with such compassion as her. The more she suffered the more compassionate she became. I held her in her frustration and anger with her illness but she always thanked me for loving her so much, as if she was the lucky one.
She was gentle and sassy. Could not keep her mouth shut when she saw injustice. AFter she died I got such lovely letters from people she had touched in her life. Her empathy was beyond words. And she was also a normal teenager, could be a real drama queen at times. She had no difficulty in acting out her anger when she felt it. She fell in love, had a boyfriend for a short time, wrote love poems about him (which I found after her death) loved music and had so many friends.
I am sitting here now in tears, missing her but so grateful for having had her in my life.
Thank you for listening