I have shared this poem before, but I feel it's time to do it again:
I want to say I love you
but life has ruined that
words of care and mercy
just always leave ya flat
I want to say I hurt too
but no-one feels your pain
you lived it all alone then
and you feel alone again
I want to say I'll help you
but no-one ever did
they only opened doors again
that left you fully hid
Since I cannot convince you
that hope is really there
let me just invite you
to risk that we might care
Let me say there is love
but it's not like what you've seen
Love is safe and comforting
Not cruel, hurt-filled and mean
Parents do not wound you
and they pretend a lie
That's not what truth is all about
A life that leaves you dry
The times you cried in darkness
and felt no hope in sight
you didn't earn those beatings
that went on throughout the night
You didn't earn deception
and lies that held you bound
did not deserve the pain received
and blankness all around
You didn't cause the torture
did not provoke the whip
did not deserve the broken heart
nor warrant torn-up lip
There's someone with an answer
someone who wants to aid
who wants to clean up all the mess
that evil creatures made
He's not someone who hurts you
Not a man who tells a lie
He's a friend who stays forever true
until your time to fly
Mended wings are now your promise
Healed mind your true reward
There's hope and help awaiting
and goals to move on toward
Your past is not your present
and a future does not form
With Deity and friends here
you've found a place that's warm
Please don't discount these words now
as what you've heard before
It takes a risk that's worth it
to find there's so much more
Our tears and prayers will guide you
We'll stand with arms linked tight
You're really gonna make it
Through another struggling night
On the other side of torment
lies a life you've never met
If you let us walk beside you
not a day will you regret
So please just risk some trust now
Let us be your wings to soar
We promise that we've been there
but we know there is much more
We know it won't be easy
but we will be here to stay
Just trust us now to carry you
till the nightmares go away
Just go by tiny steps here
and try to find at last
who you are truly deep down
and freedom from your past.