I think that we all have choices. We are all subject to being tempted to act against what we know to be right, or instead to act in accord with what we know is right. For example, one may take advantage of a vulnerable person or choose to help that person instead. The person who allows their choice to be dictated by the lower nature chooses the lower path, the higher nature the higher path. Some people let the choices of the lower nature become ingrained and habitual in their behavior, and become criminals or worse. Some are weak in certain areas, and may (or may not) learn from the ramifications of past bad choices and be strengthened to do what they know to be right in the future.
One may call the lower nature greed, lust or sin, but we all have this nature and this choice. One may call the higher nature love, morality or God, but we all have this within us, we all know right from wrong, and when we violate what we know to be right, I think that damage occurs.