Lighters thread seems to be going in a direction which she needs ,so I am starting a new one in the same vein.
I "used" to have qualities that I liked about myself. There were several. One was that I was ( am) a warm person. I had the ability to make people to feel 'better" by seeing the "special" qualities in them. I valued this in myself b/c I loved to 'light" up a person by finding s/thing special in them .
Anyway, I bring this up to encourage anyone who is interested to pick a quality in yourself that you might have lost and decide to "resurrect"( un bury) . .Our good qualities are part of our "voice" ,too.
For me, I have to love myself first before I have an over flow of love to give out to others. This was part of WHY I was a warm person. I had enough love inside that I was not 'worrying" about me( My Aunt is like this. You really feel special after you talk to her.).I was not in competition with anyone.Also, I did not need anyone to affirm me( basically) I thought that I was O.K. and so I could look outside myself to make s/one else comfortable.
So, today, I will love myself( against ALL of my M's wishes)I can see her in the sky already sharpening her knife.Shut up--- I tell her. Love Ami