Author Topic: Creativity and Depression  (Read 3410 times)


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Re: Creativity and Depression
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2007, 05:55:04 PM »
Dear Tayana,
 Today, I realized that I was really, really angry at my M b/c she denuded me b/c she was jealous of my "internal" qualities. She was jealous that I had a "personality" and she was  insecure. She was jealous that I had values and she  didn't..
  I had  a vitality  and she was jealous. I had to throw it all away b/c the FOREMOST thing in the house was that she feel good about herself. My personality  made her feel bad so she had to manipulate me and shut me down.
  Steven King wrote a book called the "Tommy Knockers"where zombies take over the towns people. Once  a person gets taken over they are very sly and manipulative in the ways that they try to get other people to give themselves up to become a zombie----bleh.
  I never really felt the "appropriate " anger for having to shed my  trust in myself  for fear( or love) of her. The inner child book says to beat the bed with a pillow or a towel. I probably should.
  These feelings seem like a huge hole that is bottomless.
  I know that I could have an "addiction"( even shopping) to make them go away for the moment  ,but it is not worth it
. I might as well face them b/c I have been running from them all my life. I don't want to run anymore.
                                Love    Ami

It feels so bad that it is not even funny. These deep feelings of sadness are like being at the bottom of the ocean--you just want to sink and sink until you are gone--bleh
« Last Edit: November 07, 2007, 06:21:16 PM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Creativity and Depression
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2007, 06:35:13 PM »
Hi Tay,
I needed medicine. I have written better than ever since I got appropriate medicine. I won't be on it forever but I think it was a gift, for me. There are other times when I confront everything raw. But struggling to find work, deal with my mother, my daughter, and a lot of upheaval for several years, I needed the help and I'm grateful the doctor had some. I know they're overprescribed, but I think people can also get phobic about taking them. Neither makes sense to me. But I'm an cafeteritarian about medicine. If I had time to identify safe standardized herbal extracts that wouldn't interact with another medicine I have to take, I might go that route. Meanwhile, it's helping me get by. When I asked for Rx I was at the point of serious health breakdown. That's when I step back from absolutes.

(Along the same lines, I'm breaking my veggie vows now and then. Feel sad about it. But can't help notice the rush of energy from the animal protein. I'm hoping Ami's doc's stuff will eliminate that need.)

About blocks...I believe for writing, there are times when the field is fallow. Fallow isn't barren. It's wise.

Is there a chance you're being perfectionistic about a need to write All The Time? To be, say, Constantly Productive?

Gotta go...
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Creativity and Depression
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2007, 02:07:18 AM »
Hops and Tayana,

I learned about the effect of depression on my creativity from taking meds too. It was a big eye opener, having been depressed most of my life in a low-level kind of way, and then suddenly having that feeling lifted completely. I was taking one of those meds which boosts noradrenaline and dopamine, which was great for really figuring things out, accelerated learning,  and raising my consciousness.

I didn't like some aspects of taking meds, so I gave them up after 6-8 months. But they did give my  life a good kick start, once I'd figured out how to motivate myself differently.

Hops, its great to hear that the effect on writing ability can be really good on meds. I can believe that, after my own experiences. Thanks for the info!

X Bella


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Re: Creativity and Depression
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2007, 09:04:18 AM »
Tay, care to share the topic of your play? I am working on editing mine now and it's fallen subject to my procrastination.

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Re: Creativity and Depression
« Reply #19 on: November 08, 2007, 10:14:33 AM »
Ami, I have noticed that when I feel depressed, I want to spend money.  I won't call it an addiction, just a lack of impulse control.  When I feel depressed, that's when I make impulse buys.  That's when I go buy things I don't need or won't use.  I buy clothes that hang in my closet with the tags, and then later on I wonder what I was thinking.  I would do it to make myself feel better.  I'd decide that I deserved a treat, and so I'd make a purchase that I didn't really want or need.  Spending the money never made me feel better.  Usually it made me feel worse, and then I'd just continue on a downward spiral.  I've noticed with relief of my symptoms that some of these urges have gone away.  I can go into a store and buy exactly what I went to buy, on my budget without a problem.

Hops, yes I'm probably perfectionistic about having to write all the time.  when I have an upswing of productivity it makes me feel good, you know.  Th eproblem has been though that I have the upswing of productivity, but then I just keep producing.  I don't stop to perfect anything to submit.  It sort of defeats the purpose.  So I finally  had to stop and rework a piece to submit.  For a long time, writing was my escape.  I could lose myself in the story, and I would just sit and crank out the words.  That was all I wanted to do.  It was scary, and I did recognize what I was doing.  I managed to write quite a lot yesterday, although I didn't feel that good about what I'd done.  That's why I told the doctor I wanted a few more weeks with the meds.  It might just be that I don't know what to do now that I feel better.

Bella, I resisted doing this for a long time because I was afraid of what would happen.  I'd heard mixed stories, but the side effects aren't too terrible.  I get really tired with it, but other than that and the issue with my writing, it's good to feel this good.  I'm not irritable.  I'm not panicking.  I'm not anxious, well,  a little.   I just feel normal.   I don't want to be on the meds forever, that's why I still go to the T, but it's been an enormous help.

CB, I had the option of switching meds, but I'm going to stick with this one until my next appointment.  If I still have problems, then I'll switch it.  I'm already taking the lowest dosage.  Exercise helps me too.  I've lost quite a lot of weight just walking my dog.  I've never looked at the Artist's Way.  I might have to check that out.  I love your image of land lying fallow.  Maybe the right idea hasn't hit me yet.

Kate, my play story is about a young man who was abducted and rescued.  He suffered rather badly with his abductor, and he's dealing with those issues.  He's also dealing with issues of sexuality, and once his family learns he's gay, they turn away from him.  It's mostly little vignettes about his recovery and learning how to keep his life moving forward in spite of what's happened to him.  It's been a very therapeutic book to write, even if it has no plot.  Like I said, it's my play piece, although I think some of the scenes might find their way into a different book eventually.  This one is a spin off of a series I started, a series of thrillers where my main character becomes a sort of amateur detective.  It was a real departure from what I normally write, but I really had fun with it.  I swear these books and this cast of characters helped get me out of my parents house.

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Re: Creativity and Depression
« Reply #20 on: November 08, 2007, 12:37:37 PM »
What is so hard for me to understand reading this topic is how everyone is able to have their creativity, which is a great joy, even through all their lives with Ns?  My creativity is a blasted radioactive wasteland.  I'm not even sure Mad Max characters fight over the contaminated water there.  How did you escape?
Character, which has nothing to do with intellect or skill, can evolve only by increasing our capacity to love, and to become lovable. - Joan Grant


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Re: Creativity and Depression
« Reply #21 on: November 08, 2007, 05:06:58 PM »
Iphi, my creativity is the one thing that I refused to sacrifice for my Nmom and my COD dad.  Here are some of the criticisms I have heard:

"Why don't you write something besides that fantasy crap?  No one wants to read that."

"Get your head out of your fantasy world and into the real world."

"You better find something else to do because you can't make a living writing."

"I don't know why you're wasting your time with this.  Why don't you write something like those little articles.  Those would sell."

"Why are you wasting your time writing, when you aren't going to sell what you're working on."

"Is that something you can sell."

"Romance?  Anyone can write that."

"I guess its one of those hot romances."  (To this one I have to say, she had no idea).

I could just keep listing.  I just refused to sacrifice this one little thing.  My mother started writing poetry at one point and would send things to me she had written.  She started telling me what a great book she could write if she knew how to type.  But writing, and being creative, whether it was knitting, scrapbooks, photography or whatever, that was the one thing that made me feel good, and it was the one thing that I refused to let her take away.  Does that make sense.

At least in a story, I could be treated the way I wanted.  Even if my own mother treated me like a glorified 12 year old.

Writing and all of the other creative stuff was sort of my escape from the N world.  I especially like stories where I could do awful things to the characters I created that reminded me of my Nmom.  Writing was my way of fighting back.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
-Elanor Roosevelt