Shared today, from my heart, how, sadly, my H would not go to marriage counselling. And he would not consider counselling for himself alone. If he had then things may well have been different, however, he turned physical against me in the end and so after 29 years of marriage the heartbreaking decision to end the marriage was made despite my hearts desire of keeping my marriage vows as a loyal wife, a good thing, of "till death do us part" Twice I stopped the divorce proceedings for fear of doing wrong, against God. Mercifully, God used a pastor and his wife to show me the 3 areas in scripture regarding marriage vows and covenant; that my then H had broken his covenant vows of marriage and that God would not punish me for ending my marriage. Though I had that knowledge and truth, it still remained a heart wrenching process to end the marriage. He had no desire to seek counsel and it was not within my power to change his will.
My quest for truth and answers has encompassed so much during the last five years; the behaviour of my now exNH, my NM and my FOO and also, biblical truth, regarding in particular; the painful heartbreaking subject of divorce.
Divorce is allowed for the following grounds that are found in the Old Testament and affirmed in the New Testament:
Adultery (in Deuteronomy 24:1, affirmed by Jesus in Matthew 19)
Emotional and physical neglect (in Exodus 21:10-11, affirmed by Paul in 1 Corinthians 7)
Abandonment and abuse (included in neglect, as affirmed in 1 Corinthians 7)
When a marriage contract is made, vows are exchanged, whereby in effect a covenant is made between two people, with the visible sign of a ring.
Previously, with all my heart, I had freely given of my forgiveness many times during our 29 year marriage, but, sadly, the marriage covenant had been broken so many times, until finally - the marriage had to end.
Hope this helps someone out there, as the angst and heartache regarding the issue of divorce was unbearable at times.
Love, Leah
Edit: On the 'What Helps' board I have posted an article entitled: Divorce : Valid Grounds versus 'any cause'