My husband moved out of our home Feb 1. I believe the only reaosn he did so was because he committed to in front of our therapist in a huge blow-out statement;'" I need to get away and give our kids a safe-haven, away from her craziness" I think doing it in front of a male counselor--he wanted to look good and follow through. Several months prior I begged him to leave to give us a break and he wouldn't; "I pay for this house this is my house' Several months prior and immediately following my Sister's death, he wouldn't talk to me; he slept on the couch for months. I would come down crying ,asking him to please talk and work things out; he would be playing guitar with headphones on and not even take them off and then make a weird face and sing defiantly in my face. all of this happened in the thick of grieving my 1 and only Sister, who I was extremely closed to. I felt like I was living in a hell. I have 2 small boys. He would give me the silent treatment for weeks and every night he walked throught he door I would hope that this would be the night he would talk. I look back and feel like I was just a dog waiting for her master to throw her a bone. He would walk right by me and I would begin to cry, thinking, oh no, I cannot deal with this another night. He would go to my boys and laugh and throw them in the air and play with them right in front of my crying face. And then he would tell me I was crazy and ruining everyone's life. After all of this, I realized I needed big time help and that I was not going to live this way anymore . This was when I asked him to leave and he would not. I moved to a friend's loft for 3 months. He never called me. He never asked me to come home. He never said he was sorry for anything. Ii started to gain clarity on how I had been living.
He did agree to counseling, but completely twisted everything around. I believe he had the counselor fooled for a good amount of time, but he then even slipped up a bit (he's very smart) and said things like; "I only call her a bitch when she deserves it" and "yeah I sexually molested her, I wanted to give her a taste of what it felt like to be cornered and DEMANDED that you be talked to" "I'm not sorry". If she wants to talk to me, she needs to set up an appt. " That's what people do" The light bulbs started going on for me. The counselor did little intervention. That always perplexed me. It just does not seem that couples counseling is set-up for abuse in a relationship. Here I am, trying to take a stand for the first time in my life and find my voice, and the counselor doen't even intervene with comments like this.
The counselor did seem to know. He basically recommended separation and I think was trying to minimize interaction in general. I would appreciate anyone's thoughts here.
Basically I'm struggling. We are not divorced. I have decided not to do counseling until he is willing to take a look at himself. We tried to set up a parenting plan, along with financial agreements, which he broke in a big way. So basically I said, what's the point? I'm trying to set boudaries. The problem is, he still gets to me. Every encounter (which I have to have some because we share kids) is horrible. He is indifferent and mean. He laughs at me when I cry. He undermines me in front of the kids. The kids always say they miss their Daddy when theya re with me, which just breaks my heart.
I know I'm on the right path. But it is a hard walk. There is this part of me that jsut keeps saying; "why can't he see this" If I just could make him see this" The more I read about this disorder the more I realize I need to let go. I 'm just wondering if there is anyway of just beating them at their own game. Do they have any idea of or accountability for their reckless inhumane behavior, or do we just let them off the hook because it's their pathology? I do want to hold him accountable. I married this man and dedicated my life to him and had 2 boys with him. And I know I need to look at me and why I made this choice--red flags abound from the beginning, starting when he literally walked away and wouldn't even come for me to have an abortion --my Dad went. Can you believe it? I know I need to be gentle on myself, but what the hell was I thinking!!!