Thank you Izzy,Joy, Lupita and Leah
I know that this thread looks "depressing". However,to me once I can "face" s/thing and express it,it is on it's way out.
Joy, what great information.I was so happy to "see" you, again.Lupita, you ARE doing much better b/c YOU are expressing yourself in a new way(even though it may not seem that way)
Leah,I think that healing for me takes two steps(so far). First,I have to relentlessly face the truth(of everything that I was in denial about). THEN,I can replace the old ideas with new ideas.
I was thinking WHY affirmations don't "stick". I think that it is b/c the "old ideas" are not "shoveled" out. That is my perspective, anyway..
The really hard part is facing all that pain that we pushed down.It is a "pain sandwich". How can we really heal while it is there inside us like a huge "mass".
For me,I have been facing my M. I am almost at the end of that.It took a FULL year. It is a long time and yet, a short time for all the years of pain.
Now,I must face my true nature. Then,I have to face life as it is.
After coming out of denial(facing truths), then I will have a 'clean slate to program with positive ideas.
This seems to be healing me from the inside.
Thank you for responding.It means so much to me. Love Ami