"What do you mean "love ' yourself?". I feel like a sword will come down from heaven and slice me.
Dear Ami,
Why ever would a sword come down from heaven and slice you? When we are encouraged to "love yourself before you can love others"
Anyway, interesting subject to ponder on ....
My own thoughts are that you cannot truly love unless you know what love is. And therefore, to love oneself is an act of understanding, with compassion, nurture, care, and acceptance.
And so, my understanding is that one cannot love outwardly, to another --- until one loves inwardly, of oneself.
That's how it makes commonsense to me; first, love yourself, then love your neighbour (all around you), with the very same act of understanding, kindness, empathy, compassion and care, as you give to yourself (hopefully on a daily basis!!).
To sum it up --- it's only an outward expression of yourself

That's just clicked into place!
Ones innerself, ones authentic true being, pouring forth, outwardly, to others.
Makes crystal clear sense now --- another click of the

That's why N's & Co - 'toxic' or 'nasty' people (terms used in the very same book titles) behave as they do!!!
"What they don't possess - they can't express!"
Reason enough to be humbly grateful.
Love, Leah