My girlfriend said she laughed when her sister told her that she never really had loved her ex husband.....obviously she did at one time. Hopefully I can say that about N one day soon and you all can laugh with me.
It may be that your girlfriend's sister realized that she wasn't in love with her ex husband
....ever.... at all. That's the case when we realize we fell in love with an
idea or some
very good acting job, KWIM?
Forgive yourself for feeling the way you do. Be patient and think about the boundaries you should be setting in order to take care of yourself.
Soon enough..... there will be opportunities to
replace your ex.
Your stomach will thrill again and he'll fade into the distance.
Now...... what are you going to YES to, next time?
That's why you need the self care boundaries...... you don't want to keep repeating this kind of painful relationship. Too painful.
RULE: Nice men don't try to turn your NO into YES.
They honor your feelings and want you to be happy too.
BAD MEN start out telling you they honor your feelings and want you to be happy...... then they look at you and expect you to reciprocate, and YOU DO! Right?
The catch is..... your now stuck in a DOING FOR THEM mode, with nothing in return if you don't watch them carefully and refuse to accept that treatment. That's setting and protecting a boundary when you walk away, as opposed to accept.
But they don't continue to give.
I know what they offer feels so warm and nice and happy...... like we want HOME to feel like.
If you set that boundary and they aren't going to honor it...... the bad boys begin telling you
why what you're giving isn't quite up to snuff...... what you COULD be doing better or more or harder. Things will go back to feeling good, for you, if you can just make them happy enough. ::nod::
Makes sense right?
Ummmmm... NO! It doesn't. And you SAY that IF you're protecting your boundaries.
If you ask for
something...... you're made to feel guilty and maybe they talk about what you're not doing well enough
again.Maybe they make you feel guilty all the time or just when you bring up something you need, or want or something that's
unfair.It's a deal breaker. You have to know what your deal breakers are.... and be willing to walk away, instead of make excuses. DO NOT MAKE THE FIRST EXCUSE! That's another rule...::nod::
You just know you want to feel the way they made you feel in the beginning but the red flags should tell you...... its just a dream and it won't happen no matter how hard you try. Time to cut bait, pull yourself up straight and
enforce those boundaries.
It feels really weird to enforce a boundarie.
::whispering:: That's not a rule.... it;s just the truth. You still have to do it though, if you don't want to go through all this pain again.
So.... IF you do make excuses and begin trying to make sense out of their explanations for why you feel empty and uncared for NOW.... they keep telling you it's your fault. How convenient for them and how confusing for you.
RULE: Believe your instincts, esp when the facts support them and not what MR. Wonderful Bait and Switch is saying.
And so, if you're still listening to him and trying to believe him....... with a little reward/punishment conditioning..... you're agreeing with him just so he'll throw you a bone every once in a while or not be so awful and cause you distress.
NOW WHERE ARE YOU? Yikes ville for sure.
It just spirals deeper down the rabbit hole till you look around and you've helped him convince
everyone around you that things are just honkey dorey, you're coming out of left field with these crazy accusation make you look.... ummmm.... a little unbalanced to say the least. Esp if he's driven you quite mad, doubting yourself for many years.
(Yes, I realize this turned into a rant but...... it helps
me to rant: )
Very important to have your boundaries
in order and that you're able to protect them past the point where he's got your toes curling and your making OOOhhhhh OOOhhhhhh noises

Ahem..... I also want to say that those sentimental feelings are tied to being unhappy in your life right
That's human nature..... it's what we do when we're in the void.... when our lives are full and happy.
Do something about that and the feelings for him will fade.
Your in the void. Everyone goes there. Everyone comes out. Believe that it will be ok..... work on educating yourself about making better choices in the future then be prepared to say NO to the unworthy things......
so you can say YES to the worthy.
Happy Thanksgiving, I wish you serenity and peace today: )