Hi everyone,
I'm just going to through this out there because I need to get rid of it. I acted terrible yesterday tg, I projected all my anger, hurt and anxieties on the ones I and who love me. What a selfish jerk I was~
I was silently yelling,
I'm in pain
I remember
I can't forget
I can't forgive
can't you seen what they have done?
it's not o.k.
I'm tired
I'm shaking
I'm afraid
I'm afraid when he (Bil) looks at me he wants to hurt me ( this is not physically true, but how I internalize it)
Someone tell me the SEE it TOO, unfair of me again to project me onto others.
I was a basket case. I don't like who I was, how I acted, what I carried with me. I didn't like what I was projecting. I am ashamed of myself.
Because of all the yucky N stuff I have inside I let it overcome me in such a huge wave. I was letting it build up and wow yesterday it was all over me.
I believe someone (sorry I don't remember who) mentioned N's never think of us, which I know is true, yet sometimes they get all of me and the results of 24/7 of thinking of them, what they did, could do, will do etc.
Is sick, just looking at this in black and white is sick. I need to let them go.
I can be prepared and safe without being reading for a combat mission all the time.
Looking towards a healthier perception of life. Thanks seasons