Today I was around kind and loving people. I forgot, living with a n is a horrible way to live. I was trapped because of my own neglect of myself and knowing how to find a way out. I almost gave up. Even knowing what I know now, it can still be a trap for me with the nh.
Emotions really come to the surface at meetings to do with recovery and as hard as it is to feel them, I am grateful that somehow I was put where I could gather strength and awareness. And feel my feelings.
I hope this horrible life with the n is ending as I progress in recovery.
It does make me aware of what pain and suffering others are going through that do not have recovery and are in the pain of living in the n nightmare relationship.
I feel sad right now and am able to cry for the first time is a long time. I had gotten so shut down from trying to extricate myself and live a halfway normal existence. My whole family is gone and I wouldn't even grieve because I was with the n off and on.
A real definite point for me is that even when I am not in the pain when with the n, my feelings and emotions automatically shut down and I did not realize it.
This saddness is a relief because I miss my family, my daughters and grandchildren that the n almost subtly con vinced me didn't matter to me like they don't matter to him. This has happened to me my whole life with my mother and now this nh. I want to feel and be myself.
Thanks, BR