Author Topic: Just Wrong  (Read 7299 times)


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Just Wrong
« on: January 12, 2008, 08:27:14 AM »
     As much as I feel the need to spit out and explain for myself what my life has been like, I at the same time feel guilty in advance for the emotional vomit I am preparing to do and also feel ashamed of the fact that I am going to present myself as a victim and marty,r as that is a role I must have chosen for myself in adulthood and it isn't one that I am proud of.
     I will start by saying that I am Wrong. I have spent my life hiding my inherent wrongness. Over the past few years I have simply withdrawn from the world of chaos and pain and have stopped trying to go out in the world and be Ok. It is hard to look back at my adult life and see that I set myself up....but I think we tend to set ourselves up in a role that is comfortable and feels familiar to us. If we aren't good at anything else, at least we can be good at our dysfunctional role.
     My mothers, mother was probably an N. She probably also had mental illness as a contributing factor. My fathers mother was an N and I knew her well enough to realize that all of her perfection was a way of coping with the world. As for my parents, I think they shared times of being an N and being the co-N. Maybe they had a system worked out whereby they each had parts of their lives where they got to be the N and parts where the other did?
     I am a middle child of sorts, the second of four. My older sister is perfect and detached from it all and was detached as only a child. My youngest sister became ill with schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder as a teenager and simply has never really returned. My next younger sister was forced to be the Mother extension and I see that her life is simply filled with N people to this day also, but she seems to be coping with it all better than I from an emotional standpoint, it is her body that is breaking. I am the wrong child. The child that would never measure up, the one to be ashamed of, the one that was not ever ok and for a lot of my life, the whole family has bought into that picture of me. I guess I have bought into that picture of me.
     I had what I needed. I was fed and I was clothed. I just never had input that was positive. I didn't have discussions, hugs, games, praise. The only real input that I had was negative. My mother said that I was like a little old lady as a child. That I was always in my own little world. I think that I learned to escape early. I am so thankful for books, because I had the ability to grab a book and leave the rest behind.
     I don't have memories of family excursions, I don't have many memories at all, but most of them I have are of traumatic experiences. I remember that my grandmother hated me and called me stupid. I remember my mother being sick with something all the time. She had so many surgeries that I can't even list them all. Along with the surgeries, she popped out two babies in a row. One she loved too much and the other she ignored to the point that she almost didn't exist. I felt responsible for helping the second baby exist and also felt anger at the older baby for being the center of my mothers world. I remember her going out early one morning and collecting apples to make mom a pie, so she would feel better and when she woke up, her chasing me around the house beating me for making a mess. I wet the bed. I wet the bed until I was in second grade. I still remember the sinking feeling of waking in that too warm bed. The screaming and humiliation of it. The shame!
     I have memories of cringing in a room upstairs with the younger girls as my parents fought physically downstairs-my mother screaming for us to call the police because my father was killing her. At the same time that I worried for her, I hated her for pushing him and pushing him until he blew up. My father was not to be bothered by children. If we entered the room that he was in, we were not to talk. If we wanted to talk, we were to go into the other room. I stayed outside a lot with the younger girls and heaven forbid that anything happened to them out there.
     My younger sister was the brunt of all my mothers anger when she was small. She was so used to being talked badly about, that when you said her name at two, she hid. She acted out and beat her head on anything that she could. I was only eight, but knew that she was being abused and unloved, so I felt responsible for loving her. She came in the house one day with a cut on her foot and was beat for getting blood on the floor. My mothers constant refrain was " I get started hitting her and I just can't stop."
     I don't remember really being physically beaten much, I just remember trying to be invisible. I don't think I had the will to be beaten-enough spirit to ever be bad enough to be the focus of attention. I just juggled. I juggled mom and avoided Dad.
     I remember going to church and being in trouble for having anything to do with "those churchy people." My mother was very threatened by them and I think now was afraid that they would find her lacking, but they were nice to me. They treated me as a human being that had some value. When I wasn't being teased about my "churchy" friends I was being call a slut and a whore. This anger directed at me was mostly because I started to stand up when she hit my younger sister. Not only that, I was getting breasts! Heaven forbid there be another female that got attention in the family. My hair was hacked off into what is called a pixie and from that point on was never grown below my ears. I was twelve and didn't really know what sex was, yet I was the whore. At the same time that I was a whore, I was encouraged to take a job at thirteen where I worked in a pizza parlor from 4pm until 4am and then allowed to walk home on my own. I can't imagine that looking back, but I had always been such a responsible little adult that it happened. There was also the fact that if I bought some of my own clothes and food, it would ease financial pressures I brought to the family by existing. We were always aware of the struggle and always had to worry about how we would buy food.
     We had a dog that was my friend. He slept with me and I told him all of my problems. I remember coming home one day to find that my only friend in the world was gone! About this time it was decided that my younger sister, who was the center of all the good in the family was "built" like my mother. From that point on, she got the only positive attention in the family. In effect all the attention that she got was the wrong kind, but we were made to dislike her for being the only one who had any attention at all. She had to belong only to my mother, so problems were created between her and my father. In this way, mom could insure that she had my sister all to herself and also that my father would not be involved with my sister in any way. He had made the mistake of wrestling around with her when he came home from work and that couldn't be allowed.
     When I was sixteen I was working and going to school and simply kept loosing weight. I was sick to my stomach all the time. I was finally put in the hospital and the caring doctor came in to talk to me about life. I made a major mistake. I told him the truth when he questioned me about things. The day that my parents came to pick me up from the hospital, my mother was livid. I was sent straight to my room to pack, because I was being turned into social services. She couldnt handle such a disobedient and terrible child. She took me there and while there, my grandfather came storming in to say that I would be coming home with him. So, I spent a year with my grandparents. My loving, sweet, kind grandfather and my N grandmother. She hated me. If anyone was around she "loved" me to death, but always pointed out that I was grandpa's "pick." I am not sure I was grandpa's pick, but I think he saw that I was a child that had no one but him. Because social services was involved they met with me weekly for a while and talked to my mother at the same time. They basically told me that I had become the reason for every problem in my mothers life. That she felt everything that was ever wrong was my fault. She was very resistant to talking to them and they didn't feel they were making headway. They faded away, but did tell me that there was "nothing wrong with me." Yeah right!
     During that year I had no contact with my mother. Out of sight, out of mind. She did not even speak to me on the phone. I was living in a little town with none of my friends. I had seen my younger sisters sobbing and clinging to me when I left and I was pretty miserable. Actually, miserable is an understatement. In major crisis is more like it. the feeling that if even your mother can't love you that you must be really, really wrong. I spent the year building a brick wall in my mind that I would keep around me to keep me from being hurt again. I was determined not to let anyone through that wall, but again, I have very little self determination and will of my own. At the end of the year, my mother called to say that her back was out and she needed me to come home to care for the girls. I shouldn't have gone, but I did. I fed her, kept the house that was on the market, babysat four children she normally watched to help ends meet, brought her food and drinks to her bed and helped her to the restroom while she lay in the dining room shouting orders from a bed. The girls had chicken poc's and I quit school to handle it all.
     In the midst of this chaos, I met a wonderful man that was much older than I and fell totally into first love. He was very sweet and kind to me. When things calmed down at home he encouraged me to return to school. He said he wanted to marry me. I did return to school in the fall and would probably have stayed there, but came home one day that fall to find my mother and all my sisters on the porch. I knew that something was up. It seems that my first love had died in a truck accident while on a trip to Ohio. I think that was the breaking point. The bit of me that had been fighting for life up to that point just gave up. I quit school again in despair and got a full time job. A year or so later while still in a fog of mourning, another man came along and decided that he HAD to have me. I told him he could have my body, but would never have my heart. I think I went along in a fog, hoping that maybe I could wake up and feel something again. I found out later that he had been married and had a brand new baby when we met, but looking back now I realize that he would never been concerned about the impact of his actions on them as he was-Surprise! an N. A charming, attractive, well spoken N, but an N nontheless. I suppose that he felt pretty comfortable and was broken by his own N parents in a lot of ways, so he took over where my parents left off. My mother was by then driving me crazy just talking to me on the phone every day, so when he suggested he go back in the service, I was more than ready to move 1200 miles from home. I became the super wife and super mom who did everything...I mean everything. I worked, studied for my diploma, got my real estate license, took total care of the kids, shopped, laundered, cooked, did the bills, put gas in the car. Meanwhile he played golf and played around. I had a child that had birth defects and lots of surgeries, while he could not be bothered to hardly visit the hospital. By that time I was twenty one. I had to have a hysterectomy so went home as I knew I couldn't count on him for help. A week later I was bringing two babies and my younger sister back on a three day bus trip to find that I needed to clean the disaster he had created for government inspection. I was just about fed up, but he wanted to get out of the military. Realizing my child needed that medical care, I struck a bargain of sorts and told him that I would stay if he stayed in. It was not much of a bargain.
     I got a really good job to provide additional insurance and quickly became a workaholic and super mom. I juggled as fast as I could and totally wore myself out. I hired sitters to be there with my husband until I got home because he couldn't be bothered to feed the kids or insure their safety. I kept juggling as fast as I could, but I was so unhappy and so ignored by him. I almost think it was a game to see just how much I could put up with, or continue to put up with. We finally went to a marriage counselor. I told about everything that was going on with us and she turned to get his side of the story. He simply said that everything I said was true. She said "if all of this is true, what are you doing here?" In other words, you are being so horrible that you cant care a bit about her, so why come? He said, "well, it is the first time that I ever really thought she would leave."
     I came home one day soon after to have him offer to get me a cup of coffee. That was so nice and so unexpected. I was ready to fall down at the end of the week anyway. We drank the coffee and the next thing I knew I was falling asleep. I never nap, so remember my last thought being that I must be getting sick. I woke up to find it dark outside and my husband in the recliner. The boys were no where in sight. I couldn't believe I had slept or that he would have put them to bed, so asked what time it was. He said it was after eleven. I realized that I was on a different couch than I had fallen asleep on and wondered how I had gotten there. He said "I have to head to bed for work in the morning." I said "What do you mean." He said "It is eleven SUNDAY night." I had slept from Friday evening until Sunday evening while two young boys ran through the family room and never knew a thing. I was in a fog, but now think that he had put something in that coffee. I can't believe that it didn't enter my head at the time. I think that he was hoping that I wouldn't wake up and just let me continue to sleep. I can only imagine how he must have felt when I started to stir, not realizing that I would be in too much of a fog to question what had happened.
     I did become very ill and stayed ill for months. I had constant pain in my neck, was dizzy all the time and couldn't seem to drag myself out of the bed most of the time. I was diagnosed with depression. I was scared to death. I was hospitalized and when I got out I told him he must leave. If the situation could make me this sick, I had to DOOO something. I still don't think it occured to me that he might be helping my sickness along. Maybe he wasn't? Who knows at this point. He had been a policeman at one time, so even with all of the vietnam stuff he dealt with, it would never have occured to me that a policeman would ever do anything like that.
     He left, but was never far away. He broke in and took things, he stole my jewelry, he drove passed and pushed the panic button on the burgler alarm all night every night, peed in my perfume, poured poison on the plants in the yard. He would break in while I was working and move the pictures around on the wall, just to let me know that no matter what, he could still get in. Then he took my son and brought him back across country. My attorney said it might take a year to get my son back, so I packed, painted my house, and came to get my son. I was a wreck. The first night home, all the windows were broken out on my car. He told me that if I was ever with another man, he would scar my face so badly that I would think of him forever when I looked at myself in the mirror in the mornings. Now days they would have jailed him for stalking, but in those days it was unheard of.
     Guess where I ended up? Back with the parental N's. I also ended up back in the hospital. I think depression and exhaustion, but it made me even more "wrong." I was now the one that was wrong AND the one that couldn't cope.

rest of story

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Re: Just Wrong
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2008, 08:28:53 AM »
    I again got a job finally, rose through the ranks, did the workaholic thing and tried to get back on my feet. Both boys were with their father for a time because I hadn't had a job, was scared to death of him and he wouldn't pay support of any kind if I had them. I got them a lot though, every weekend, every school holiday, all summer. My oldest came home quickly, as he was the child my husband had hurt to get to me. My youngest, that my ex hadn't even wanted to touch as a baby, was told that I gave him up and didn't want him, so he stayed with his father. (I didn't know he believed that until last year!) I just knew our relationship had been very strained from that point. Because I have been hospitalized, he still believes his father is telling him the truth. While the kids were with him, they lived in filth, existed on oatmeal, did what cooking was done, etc. My youngest finally came back to me at sixteen and said that he wanted to be able to be a child again and he couldn't do that with his dad. So I got a second job and managed.
     No big surprise that eventually another man came along that was an alcoholic and an N. It happened to me, but I am sure that I should have seen all the warning signs. No one else interested me, so I should have known that he would be another N in order for me to feel comfortable. He made the first N look like a picnic. I shudder to think what my sons were allowed to go through with me. That is my N. To top it all off, I wasn't going to be a failure in the relationship department again, so I hung in there no matter what. He would leave, then three months later return and be wonderful, then leave again. I was never ok enough or attractive enough until we were apart. He withheld everything. Love, money, time, even sex. The only time he wanted to sleep with me was when we were apart. In ten years we probably slept together five times. Yet more damage and more belief that there was something terribly wrong with me. That had been the one thing my first husband had wanted from me. We all walked on eggshells all the time afraid that he would blow up. He yelled and screamed and he hated someone all the time. No one was ever okay except him. At the same time, he was afraid to go out and deal with people at all. He was soooo angry about his childhood and soooo angry about the social phobia that you could simply feel that anger simmering under the surface. Near the end I called the police a couple of times to take him to the hospital so I would feel safe. He threatened suicide if I left, so I was waiting for him to leave again. The mistake I had made was buying a house the last time we were apart, so it became a major bone of contention. In an effort to make things better I put his name on the house. Big mistake. Everything got much worse, but he was determined he wasn't leaving HIS house. Of course by this time the depression was back full force and I was SICK. I had been so busy for so long, and been holding him together for so long, but when I got sick he couldn't deal with it. He kicked me out of OUR :) house. I was again sick to the point that I had no job, no money, no place to stay and no will to live. UGH!
     Enough! I could go on and on. Needless to say, I don't trust myself to be in a relationship again. I had been back home dealing with my family because my dad has had cancer and my mother is too busy looking pretty and worrying about her own health to even notice he is sick. Of course I would run back and try to help. Maybe then I would be seen as Ok? No hope of that. I live now, a very secluded life. My father is better, so I see them rarely. I go to the store for food when I have to. I see people who come and knock on the door. Yet, I know this still isn't a life. I NEED a job. I am tired of worry about buying food,  but can't imagine going back out to face the world, but I am no longer functional. I try to have a relationship with my sister, but it is hard because there was so much stuff from childhood behind us, yet I know they were all just as damaged as me, just in different ways. My oldest sister is a perfect, successful, n. My youngest sister is never going to be okay, my other sister is a ticking time bomb. I worry for her. I don't want her where I am.
     Anyway, if you are reading this, I apologize for the long drawn out tale, for listening to me be a victim. I don't want to be a victim any more....but I don't know that I am smart enough to do a lot else. My other sisters figured a lot of this stuff out young, but I was too busy reacting to realize it. I just kept forging along trying to be okay and instead made myself bigger and bigger messes. The lost homes, cars, relationships, pets, jobs, etc have damaged my will to even attempt to live a normal life or have anything again. I can't seem to self direct at all. My whole life has been lived through the life and needs of everyone around me. I don't even know what I want and if I did I am not sure I have the will to do anything about it. I just feel that I have failed at everything that I touch.


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Re: Just Wrong
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2008, 07:44:31 AM »
A couple of years ago we had a birthday party for my sister and the whole family was there. It was actually at a local pizza place that does a lunch buffet, but also comes out with a Sundae and sings happy birthday to the birthday person. I struggled as usual with whether I actually wanted to attend or not. I can tell you that when it is holiday time I am not in any hurry to go and attend family functions. At our family events, all of the old fights and wounds come out in a way that only those aware of everyones history is going to pick up on- the little verbal jabs.
      As the party was breaking up and everyone was saying goodbye I happened to be standing near one of my sisters and her friend. My mother came over and gave a really warm hug to my sister and chatted a bit. Then she gave a really warm hug to my sisters friend and chatted a bit more. She then turned and saw me. That was the oddest moment standing there and I could see her mind working overtime as she was clearly NOT comfortable giving me a hug, but Heaven forbid that my sisters friend see and pick up on that. I have probably had one or two hugs from my mother in my life, so I was a bit unsettled also and not really comfortable with the situation either. She finally looked at my sisters friend, smiled, gave me a sideways, halfway hug and moved on. In those moments though, before she decided what she was going to do, I think she did have that realization that she had never hugged me.....hmmm
     My mother does not admit or "remember" most of the things that have happened in our past. It is as though she has blocked them out. I didn't know this until my younger sister became very ill and we were called in for counseling. As things were brought up and discussed at the first and only session, my mother cried and just couldn't believe that we would actually lie and say those things about her. What we said was only the tip of the iceberg.
     I do feel sorry for my mother in a sense as she is so out of touch with reality. She has never driven a car, had a job outside the home, written a check, or gone anywhere on her own. I know in a sense she is afraid, but in another sense I realize how much power she has in her helplessness. Everywhere my mother ever wanted to go, my father would HAVE to drive her. She has also never carried a bag for herself, or even ordered for herself in a fast food place. This all became so much more glaringly obvious when my father was so ill from cancer. She still would just get out of the car and assume that he would lug everything in. Push her glass toward him at McDonald's and just assume that he would jump up to get her refill etc. She also expects the whole world to wait on her for hours as she gets ready each day.....This is not an exaggeration....she spends most of her time every day in a mirror. I think the aging thing is really getting to her. She does her hair, puts on makeup forever, even in the evening if you glance over at he, she is rubbing lotion on something! She is unable to have a conversation about anything except herself. She never made it to the hospital to see my father until five or six pm and then simply went to have dinner in the cafeteria and would leave. When I would be spending the night at the hospital with my dad after surgery, she would call and insist I come home because she was afraid to be there on her own and my Dad would insist I go! Her life has been so confined though, that this leaves little to discuss, so there is never a meal that goes by without you hearing about her bowel movements! Sounds like a sick joke, but it isn't. I have heard about every BM she has had within days of every get together. I don't know how she can fail to realize that this isn't socially acceptable, but she must not as she will also talk about all her ills and movements to ANYONE who happens along. Even the president of the bank where my sister is the Vice President! Ugh!
     Actually, the thing that I was thinking about as I came to write is the fact that I wanted to add that I did act out as a teenager also. Granted, I don't think that my parents ever knew about it, because they weren't really noticing, but I did act out. I don't want to paint myself as that perfect kid. As a teenager as my mother was in my face and screaming that I was a whore, I did get to the point where I screamed back a bit. I have no idea what I screamed, but I did scream. I did start smoking at thirteen and I did have sex early. I was not a saint. I would spend the night at a friends house and she would spend the night at mine (yeah right!) and we would go wander the streets at all hours. I was never really into drinking or drugs though, but my mother to this day is convinced that I am a drug addict or have been at some point. This via the drug reports on the TV. I know that there is no way that I will ever convince her that this isn't the case, but at this point I have given up trying. Yes, I tried Pot as a teenager, yes I tried speed once, but that is the history of my illicit drug use. I have never cared for alcohol. I feel this need to feel that I am in control of my life and actions most of the time. I feel very unsafe anytime that I have used any alcohol. I guess I feel the need to protect myself. I never went through the bar phase most folks do as I got married and had kids too young....
     As I write I keep remembering things. I had my baby who had head and neck deformities. My parents and my mother in law were out to visit us at the time. I had been so well protected and supported at the hospital. My poor spouse had to go home to find my mother crying because it wasn't a girl-he had to tell her there were problems. Well, the day that I got home my mother would not touch the baby. Thank goodness my mother-in-law was there! Anyway, my mother finally said "I am sorry, but I guess looks are very important to me." My children were never loved or accepted in the same way that I was never loved and accepted and that is even harder to deal with than my own stuff with my mom. Okay, enough for now.


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Re: Just Wrong
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2008, 10:00:32 AM »
Now that I am writing this out, I keep coming back to write more. The more I write, it seems that the better I feel. :)
I was remembering another thing that happened in my past that left a major wound. I think that it is a huge thing that left me feeling unable to stand up for myself and cope. My mother was a major gossip with her friends and at one point I remember her mentioning a gal that was supposed to be pregnant. The poor girl probably wasn't all there, big, unkempt, probably only a freshman in high school. I was probably only in second grade, so I don't know that I had any understanding that it was a "wrong or bad" thing for this young girl to be pregnant. On the way home from school one day I saw the girl going into the package liquor store that was close to our house. Now keep in mind that back in those days that wasn't a big deal, as all the kids were allowed in the package liquor store and they had tons of penny candy. I said something to my girlfriend about the fact that the girl was going to have a baby.
     The pregnant girl in question had a sister in my school that was quite a bit older than me. The next day I arrived at school to be informed that sister was going to "get me" and that she was going to "beat me up" I was terrified and really not even sure why she wanted to "get me" until someone told me why. This reminder and the threats went on for over a year as I dawdled after school and hurried fearfully home. The older sister was going to come over from high school to beat me up next. I was sick. I actually played sick quite a few times to get to stay home from school and not have to live with the fear of that huge freshman coming after me. I remember that I did talk to my mother about it, but of course, my life was not within her radar, so she did not respond.
     One morning in probably third grade, I headed out to school only to find the sister standing patrol on my corner. Of course, the threats started about after school. I turned right around and headed right back for the house sobbing. I was in luck that my grandmother happened to be there that morning. My grandmother did not care for me as a rule, but the thought of anyone else hurting me pissed her off in a major way! She marched right down to the corner and laid into that sister and the whole thing ended. I was sooo grateful. It was such a huge relief. I am not sure how long it was before I started to feel safe again at school, but it was totally reinforced that my parents were not going to be there to help me in a jam. This whole incident sounds so trivial, but man did it scar me. I think it is a big reason for some of the fearfulness that I carried and carry. I was of course teased because I was puny, I had freckles, I had red hair, etc. Those things were bad enough, but the threats of violence were a bit over the top.
     I found an article today talking about kids and bad dreams. I know that if I hadn't had them before this incident I sure did after. During this same period my parents were fighting terribly physically. I was afraid to even leave my bed at night and was afraid to go to sleep. I remember doing everything in my power to stay awake at night because I knew that if I slept, those dreams would return. I wet the bed forever and I am not sure that it wasn't simply exhaustion and being afraid to get out of my bed. I do know that many times when I did wake up, I couldn't even scream or talk because I was so afraid that my voice was literally gone!
      During this same period of time my mother went into the hospital (mental) because she hadn't slept for weeks. I recognize now that she was probably manic. It was still a major trauma. She also had a hysterectomy and I remember her crying to us about how she was never going to be the same again after she would be mean and a different person. I couldn't imagine things getting any worse, but I think it was a self fulfilling prophecy. Of course, my mother did not go to therapy, take any medication, etc for her "mental illness." Back in those days it was called a nervous breakdown. I know that she did have illness, as did all of her siblings. I am sure now that her mother also had mental illness. It is in the genes. There was depression, alcoholism, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. I myself have struggled with terrible depression and I guess I am the lucky one.


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Re: Just Wrong
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2008, 03:30:08 PM »
When my sister was little, she would come to get in my bed in the night. There were many nights that I had two little girls in my bed, but I always had at least one. When my youngest sister was born she was early....she was so early that she didn't have fingernails or eyebrows. Her eye muscles hadn't developed well yet, so her eyes wander and she can not control them well. She was the first baby that my mother had that she said she couldn't describe as being a "pretty baby." She said when they brought my sister to her she told them that there must be some mistake, as that couldn't be her baby. I think because my other sister was only a year or so older and sick all the time, that mom didn't really have time for a new baby she considered to be homely. The new baby also didn't make eye contact with her well because of the eye muscle problems. I just don't think that they did any bonding.
     I remember being a kid and realizing that it was different that this baby was never held. Her bottle was propped up. She spent a lot of time in her swing. In fact, I was sleep walking in the night one time and cranked the wheel on the swing as that seemed to be what I did all the time during the day. To complicate things mom had two C-sections and a gallbladder operation about that time and was sick! She didn't have anyone to help her but us young girls. I felt for my youngest sisters lack of love acutely and tried to step in and mother her as best I could as an eight year old. Sadly lacking to say the least. I guess this wouldn't have all been so hard except that my mother was simply gaga about the first baby. She was sooo cute! She had red curls that became long red curls. She had huge brown eyes and a little pointed chin. She was fast, she was fast to sit, fast to crawl and fast to walk. She also was very social. Mom held her for every bottle and carried her around on her hip all the time. Everywhere that mom went, people stopped her to exclaim about that beautiful baby. Meanwhile, every comment that my mother made about my younger sister was negative. She was homely, she was slow, she had a terrible disposition, she had the worst hair my mother had ever seen, she had a cowlick, etc. I knew at my age that what mom was doing was damaging this child. As I said in another post, by the time she was two, if my mother said her name my sister ran and hid.
     I am not sure when she started to hit her. I am not sure that the first incident is something I remember, but I do remember my sister had bad temper tantrums. I think that is when it started, probably between two and three. Then it just continued.....meanwhile my sister beat her head. I am not talking about hitting her head on something, I am talking about a child that beat her head as hard as she could on the floor, the cement patio, through the window in the back door. Horrible! So what would mom do but beat her some more.
     Somehow she managed to get older, go to school, get good grades, later babysat for others and loved kids. She relied on me to keep her safe a lot of the time. I would run interference while she ran up the stairs, as my mother wouldn't climb the stairs after her. She was a child that was teased by classmates and had a hard time making friends. I loved her in a way that I have probably loved few other people in my life-a fierce protective type love.
     I will never forget the look of fear and shock on her face when my parents sent me to my grandparents house. She sobbed and clung to me and there was nothing that I could do for her. Then when I left home with my husband to go to the service, I remember talking with her on a CB radio until I couldn't hear her voice any longer and then crying the next 800 miles away.
     Soon after I left with my husband, she spent the night with a friend. She came home that night and told my mom she was tired as they had stayed up half the night and she went to bed early. About eleven, another friend called her. Normally, my mother would have never summoned us to the phone after nine pm, but because my sis had been sleeping all evening she said she would probably be able to wake up and visit. I think it was because it was a boy calling, which was something new. Anyway, when my mom went in, my sister would not wake up. They finally called the ambulance. That was the beginning and it was all downhill from there. My sister never really came back home after that time. I remember being states away and talking to her for hours on the phone at night in the adolescent unit of the hospital. It was probably the most wrenching experiences I have ever had. It is still a very painful situation. I have so much anger for my mother and the way that she treated my sister, but I also wonder how much my absences were to blame. I had been like her mother and protector for so long, I can't imagine how hard it must have been for her when i left. I was selfish though and was saving myself. I just knew that I had to get away from my mother before I lost it. I don't know at that point if I even realized just how hard it would be on my sisters when I left.
     My sister lives now in an apartment on her own, but there is staff in the building all the time. She still is suffering. She has not had a life. She has been crushingly poor and out of touch a lot of the time. She has terrible fears and at times is very confused. She has been very, very sick and with all the help she has had, she has never really been well since she was a teenager. I have to admit though, that as a child I did a lot of triangling with her and my mom. I wonder as I was being outraged at her treatment, how much damage I actually caused. I suppose that as a child, I felt like the noble one that was protecting her and how much of that was for my benefit. Was I as bad as my mom?


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Re: Just Wrong
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2008, 01:16:00 PM »
When my son Jamey was born he had facial deformities. He is fine now, but man did he have a crazy young life. My older son was only about seventeen months old when I had the youngest, so life was a bit hectic to say the least. He had his first surgery at about two months and it seemed for quite a while that every time he got well along the road to healing, it was time for another surgery. He had major problems eating and also had a lot of problems with his ears. This meant that when I tried to talk to him and comfort him, he couldn't hear me. Along with the surgeries and constant illness, he also had major eating issues. I would feed him with an eye dropper. He had to learn about patience early, because the poor little guy just never got full.
     I was twelve hundred miles from home or family while this was going on. My parents had been there for his birth, but had to leave soon after. My x wanted nothing to do with my child unless someone else was there to witness the interaction. I sat around the clock, dripping food into his mouth while reading to my older child. The place that he had surgery was four hours away from where we lived  and I was blessed that my mother-in-law would come out for surgeries and stay with my older child allowing us to be with the baby. Only problem was, that I was there alone! Although I was a mere twenty-one and my spouse was eleven years older, I had to parent him through it too. He stayed with his mother and would then come up to visit. As soon as he got there, he would say he was exhausted, fall asleep, wake up in time to carry the baby around for the nurses a minute and then leave. I am not sure he would have come up at all, had it not been for his mother pushing him. Meanwhile, I was dealing with this new baby that was in pain, scared to death, had an IV, couldn't eat, etc. etc. The whole thing was bad enough that I would stop sleeping a full week before his surgeries-if I did sleep I had bad dreams about the terrible things they would do to him. The situation between the x and the baby was so bad that when I would ask him to hold the baby while I made a bottle for him, I would come back to find the baby in the floor! It broke my heart for the little guy. You all know what I mean about the fact that seeing your child hurt by someone is ten times worse than being hurt yourself.  Meanwhile, he was obsessed with my older son and held him nonstop all the time. He never really took care of him in any real way, but he was the wonderful "fun guy" with him and that was a wonderful thing.
     When the baby was about eighteen months old, the x thought he was going to go to jail for nonpayment of child support. His mother had come out, as the baby was to have yet another surgery. While she was there, she told my x that she was really ashamed of him for the way that he was treating the baby. She was disowning him, she didn't want to admit that she had anything to do with raising him. He decided that, as he was going to jail, he was going to take some time off to "get to know his son." I think because mom was a major source of money for him and he had to keep her happy. He did get to know my son, probably fell in love with him, but it broke my heart because he then emotionally abandoned my older child. He acted suddenly as if he only had one son and the older child did not exist. Then he started to actually be mean to the older son... Teased him nonstop all the time. It became that classic triangle thing, where you feel that you need to give extra to make up for the meanness that the other parent is dishing out. Looking back, it probably sent me right back to memories of trying to "make things up" to my little sister.
     After my ex and I split, he came in his truck to pick my youngest son up for dinner one night. I was allowing him to see the kids and had even let him take the boys with him on vacation. I wanted to be nice so that things would be good for the kids. Keep in mind, that during this time I was pretty much afraid of him and what he would do. The boys told me that he had layers of money under the floor mats in his truck that he had been taking out of the cash machine and stashing there. All I knew is that I was alone, he was frightening me and I hadn't been able to pay the bills for some reason for months. That night I had a bad feeling, I knew he was getting ready to move soon. I looked in his eyes and saw that I did need to be afraid. I said, please don't do this. He just smiled at me. I had hold of one of my sons arms and he actually grabbed the other and started pullng. I think he would have actually hurt him. He was acting like my son was a thing and not a child, his possession that he WAS going to have. By this time, I was crying and begging and he just kept pulling. My son was getting very upset, so I finally let go. At nine that night I got a call from my baby who was crying and telling me that he wasn't coming home. He was in the mountains, in a motel room. Even though I knew in my heart as he was leaving that this was what was going to happen, I was stunned and in a state of shock. Meanwhile, I had the older child look up at me and say "Why didn't he want me?" Ugh!
     Skip to the present. My son was in Iraq and I had been doing a lot of talking with his wife while he was away. It came up that my youngest had always believed that I had just gave him up to his father. I couldn't believe it! I wasn't always perfect about not mentioning bad things about his Dad, but I never talked about or reminded my kids about the really big stuff as they were growing up.
     I ended up talking to his Dad about how damaging this was for my son. That he owed it to my son to tell him the truth. Yes, there was something for me in this, but it broke my heart to think that my son grew up feeling unwanted, when in truth, much of my life had been about caring for him and making sure he had what he needed. In fact, I would say some of the best things I ever did in my life were about him. Well, the x swears that he doesn't remember any of that happening. He acted to my son like it was all in my head. My son says he doesn't remember it and I am thinking that he probably was traumatized and blocked the whole thing out. Granted, he wasn't very old at the time either. After all of these years, when my son would totally understand why he would do that, could probably even relate as he has a son of his own, but even though my son would probably not blame him for it, my x could not own up to taking him. My son still believes that I just GAVE him up and now on top of it he believes that I would be evil enough to lie about it!
« Last Edit: January 15, 2008, 01:22:39 PM by emptied »


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Re: Just Wrong
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2008, 06:39:04 PM »
I feel the need to write a few of the bits about my FOO just to give a bit of background. Although my mother has very N like traits, in ways I think she isn't an N, just has lots of N tendencies due to circumstances.
     When my grandmother was pregnant with my mother, they thought she was a tumor, because my grandmother was well up in her forties. Mom was a change of life baby. She has told me a lot of tales about her mother, her mothers explosive temper, wild spending, fights with my grandfather, and stories from Moms puberty that lead me to believe that my grandmother probably had that Bipolar gene. For example she laughs and talks about the fact that when she was going out on a date, my grandmother would go out into the yard, act as though she had fallen and was hurt so my mother wouldn't go out that night and leave her. :) Yes, it sounds crazy, because it probably was a bit crazy. My moms older sisters were NOT totally normal. I had an aunt that had Bipolar, but she always took her meds and was wonderful, I had an aunt that had schizophrenia and was ok at times and totally out of touch withreality at others, another aunt probably had serious developmental delays. Scary part was that they were part of one of the most influential and wealthy families around. If I said the name, everyone would recognize it. I think that within that family, some of the achievers and high energy folks were probably actually manic folks. I know that my grandmother used to get left big sums of money from that family and instead of doing something normal with it she would spend every penny right away. Mom said it wasn't enough for her to buy cars, she had to buy everyone cars that she knew. This is back in the day when it was unusual for a woman to even drive, let alone buy cars for her friends. Of course, by the time we came along, any hint of those funds were long gone. :)
     I realize now as an adult that my mother no doubt also has a form of mental illness, but also is most likely pretty slow in a lot of ways. She has a great vocabulary, is a great reader if she reads aloud, but she just doesn't "get it" in most instances. I am not sure if this comes from never having lived in the real world or not. I hate to admit it, but this realization didn't really hit me about the slowness until I was home helping with my father when he was ill. My niece who does have delays and a full scale of about 65 leads my mother through a lot of things. How could I not have seen this? She is so fluent and verbal though and sounds so okay verbally, until you listen to what she says-then you start to wonder. She doesn't do social situations well. We were always led to believe that she was the smart one of the pair, but we should have known that if my father totally takes care of EVERYTHING for her that there must be some problem there. So there you go, how much of my mother is N, because she is stuck at a mental age where that is age appropriate and how much of it is just mom being Mom? Who knows? I know that whatever the reason, the results on me and my siblings were the same. It does make a difference though in how I view her and deal with her now. If this is truly a mental health and developmental issue then I still need to keep myself safe from her, but when I do deal with her it won't be quite as painful as thinking that she has other options and just chooses to be hateful and hurtful.
     My grandmother on my fathers side WAAS I think slow to a degree. She also lead a VERY fast life for that day and time. She had four children and my father was the only one she kept. The story is that the father (who wasn't involved long) frightened her that he would harm her if she gave his child away. My father was raised by the world while his mom was partying. He was old enough to see his siblings grow to sometimes the age of eighteen months to two years old before they were given up. I can't imagine what that would feel like to a child. On top of that my grandmother was mean and selfish. He wouldn't tell you, but anyone else would tell you that he was abused. As my grandmother got older she got married and became a respectable lady. She was VERY into upholding her image. She was obsessive compulsive about a lot of things. Her appearance had to be perfect at all times. Her house was crazy clean. Like there was mat inside the door and on the mat was a rug and on the rug were newspapers-that kind of clean. You couldn't touch anything or sit anywhere that wasn't covered. Using the bathroom you had to make sure you didn't splash water at all and that you dried the sink out after use. With a drink you sat it on a table cloth, covered by a plastic table cloth, covered by a place mat, with a coaster that had a kleenex in it to catch the drips! UGH! I get crazy just thinking about it. Anyway, she wasn't very nice to anyone. My grandfather, who came along after my father was grown was a sweet, wonderful man and I thank God for him. He was the only positive input that I have had in my life!
     I think my Dad was pretty shut down emotionally. He wasn't there for us in many ways, but he always went to work without missing a day and always brought every dollar home to take care of us. He kept his family together, which considering his background was huge. He also took care of my grandmother in her old age. As he has gotten older he has mellowed a lot and is not a fearful person. He LOVES and SPOILS my nieces rotten. He does still Rule though in a lot of ways. He just isn't the same person that I grew up with and I actually like him as a person now. I feel sorry for the situation that he is in dealing with my mom, but he is a big boy and he made those choices. He still loves her to distraction and holds her arm anywhere they go, buys her jewelry and clothing anytime she see's something she wants-even if they can't really afford it. He won't buy a thing for himself, but will spoil his wife and my nieces rotten. He does love my son that looks just like him and has been a major support when he was going to Iraq. When my son came home he gave my Dad his Iraq service metal and my Dad gave him his good gold watch. There is a little special bond there that is nice to see. So again, I am not sure that my Dad is an N. I think he is just someone who was very damaged.


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Re: Just Wrong
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2008, 12:05:06 AM »
Chronic Illness

I woke up one morning feeling low. It didn’t’ help that it was a grey day. I just felt weak and as though I was coming down with something. I struggled through my morning routine and lumbered out to the car. It was freezing out there! As I got in the car I turned on my normal morning channel, but this morning it was only so much noise. My mind was sluggish and the coffee I had carried along didn’t seem to be working its normal magic, as far as snapping my brain out of its morning fog. As I tried to go through my normal morning list of things I needed to accomplish that day, I couldn’t seem to organize my brain and the things that did come easily to mind seemed a bit overwhelming. As the day progressed, I continued to get weaker and weaker as well as dealing with the chills on and off all day. That night I got home and got through my normal routine, but just couldn’t wait to hit the bed. This type of day continued in various forms for months. Some days were a bit worse, some days a bit better. Then you hit the next phase where:
     A morning starts out even worse! Not only did I wake up feeling terrible, but I actually woke up late! What a way to start the day, UGH! I tried to decide if I should call in, but I wasn’t throwing up, I didn’t have a sore throat, I was just weak, cold, feeling muddled and my body hurt everywhere…I was craving sugar madly every few hours as my brain tried to give my body a jump start, but no amount of sugar or caffeine seems to help….I keep pushing myself though, keep marching, but every single thing I do takes waaayyy tooo much effort! I know my work is sliding because I just can’t focus and my house is a mess, because by the time I get home I am too exhausted to even move. I don’t feel like even answering my phone when it rings, as I just can’t deal with talking when I feel like this. Then after a few weeks of this routine:
     I woke up in the evening! I had slept twenty straight hours! How was that possible? How could I have slept that long and slept through my alarm? Work! UGH! How could I have missed work without even calling in?!? What was wrong with me? I went out and sat in the living room where the TV was already blaring, but I couldn’t seem to understand what it was saying. It was just noise. I grabbed my trusty book, but couldn’t seem to concentrate on it. After reading the same page for the fourth or fifth time, I gave up and simply stared at the wall while my mind tried to grasp what was happening to my life. I woke up in such a fog though, that all I managed to do was beat myself up for screwing up this way. At least I should be rested enough to get an early start the next day, because as hard as it was to believe, I was feeling like heading back to the bed already. Whatever this flu or whatever the ailment, it must be a bad one! I have to break down and get to the doctor, but I can’t miss any work after everything that has been going on there the last few months. Everything there seems to be falling more and more behind anyway as I drag myself through each day.
     Granted, anyone would be horrified when they woke the next day after sleeping another full twelve straight hours. How is it even possible to sleep that much? I become more alarmed than the average person does when this type of thing happens, because it has happened to me before. It is the beginning of the downward spiral. It is a physical illness starting, but the illness affects the brain. The days become grayer and colder. As the grayness progresses, the fogs deepen until you walk around surrounded by a thick padding, that allows little actual information and no joy through at all. You weaken until the thought of going to the restroom seems overwhelming. You can’t concentrate on anything, you don’t want to have to deal with anyone, because they make noise and it requires a tremendous amount of effort to understand what that noise means. Not only are the simplest tasks taxing physically, but you can’t seem to think your way through them anymore. You are horrified at what is happening to your life and at the same time you hate yourself for being unable to continue your normal routine. You feel nothing positive. Most things leave no normal feelings at all, as your brain circuits aren’t processing, yet the circuits that process pain of any kind are working overtime. You are in extreme psychic pain. If you normally make lemonade out of lemons, you now can’t make lemonade out of lemonade. Every thought is negative or painful and those thoughts are play on an endless loop. You can stop the thoughts, but they are back gnawing at you right away. You hit a point where you can’t even cry about the situation, because you are just too sad and too pained for tears.
     You realize at some point that you are dirty, but you really can’t care that you are. You feel embarrassed and guilty that you are dirty, but you don’t have the energy or brain power to think your way through the steps required in taking a bath. You no longer really eat, because it is just too much effort. The thought of normal chores and bills are beyond you. They may flit through your brain occasionally, but nothing that you can hold on to and even if you could hold the thought long enough, could you make yourself really care?
     For me, about this point every nerve ending in my body becomes over stimulated. Maybe it is the brain trying unsuccessfully to fire? I can feel the hairs on my arms, I can feel a piece of lint and not only do I feel it, but it is aggravating. I start itching and I have endless itching. Believe me, itching so badly twenty-four hours a day that you can’t sleep, can quickly become an agony. When this progresses it becomes the feeling of tiny bugs crawling across your body non-stop twenty-four hours a day.
     By this point, you no longer bother getting in bed. It is too much work and you won’t sleep anyway. You can’t watch TV or read because you can’t really process it, so you sit in a chair. You are surviving on a cracker or two a day and a little water. You stare at the wall. You have lost hope that you are going to get better and can’t even quite remember what better felt like. In fact, you have lost hope that any part of life will ever be bearable again. The happiness circuit in the brain is one that you can grit your teeth and survive without, the motivation circuit is one you can survive without, the pain circuit on overdrive you can live with, you can even live with the sensation of bugs crawling across your body twenty-four hours a day, but it becomes very hard to continue to march once the hope circuit shuts down. All hope is lost. Of course it doesn’t help that by this point your high paying job is gone, what relationships you may have had, are most likely also gone, your self respect is gone, your home will soon be gone. You are in danger. If you have children, you may grit your teeth and continue to breath. If you have no children, you are now in extreme danger.
     Depression is not about sitting around crying and feeling bad. Depression is a level of psychic pain that is hard to describe, but it is also a physical illness, when your brain and your body is no longer under your control. Your brain and ability to think, the very essence of who you are, is gone. If you have had the experience described above you go from being a good employee and an honor student to being someone who can barely think their way through the easiest tasks. Even after two or three years of medication and trying to rehabilitate, you may find yourself asking the doctor if your brain is ever going to work right again. When he tells you that he really doesn’t know, it is scary.
     Meanwhile, you don’t want people to know. Of course people close to you know and because they know, they treat you differently. Heaven forbid that anyone find out that this type of thing has ever happened to you. They will forever see you through the lens of someone who has had a mental illness. For all the antidepressants prescribed out there now days, there is still a terrible stigma attached to having had depression. You are seen as “less than” or as someone who doesn’t “cope well.” I was coping just fine thank you, until my sleep schedule and my thinking ability headed south. For those this has happened to aren’t inherently weaker than others, I don’t think it means they have less ability to cope. I think they have a genetic predisposition that can be switched on by sustained, long term stress. Once that switch is flipped, there is no going back. Once you have lived through five years of trying to regain your life, especially if it has happened several times, you never feel truly safe again. Yet the folks I know that have been through this do go on. They do pick up their lives and rebuild. Some folks have been through that rebuilding process numerous times. I think that takes a lot of “coping” skills and a lot of strength. I hate the stigma that keeps people from seeking help or even admitting the problem to themselves. I hate the fact that people feel the need to blame themselves for the illness.