Author Topic: Letter from God  (Read 2344 times)


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Letter from God
« on: June 03, 2004, 01:23:13 PM »
I have taken some time for myself during this past long weekend.  I have really "lived" in my anger for a little while.  I have never allowed myself to do that.  It's weird, because now - on the other side of it -  I have a really clear peace about things with my mother.  I haven't talked to her in 6 weeks now (a record considering she used to call every single day) and the last email I sent her was for her birthday (May 19) just to say happy birthday, nothing else.  My SIL called me asking if I got the mother's day card that moma sent back and I told her yes.  I asked her how she knew about it and she said that my mother tells her everything.  So I guess now she is trying to suck her into "crazy world" since I'm not living there anymore.  My SIL also said that my mother wants to know why I'm mad at her and "when she can expect me to be over it".  I calmly told her that I have told my mother the reasons why I am upset with her and that I will not be "getting over it".  I told her that I do not plan to talk to my mother anytime soon and that she can go ahead and pass that along the next time they talk.  I also warned her that she has a choice where my mother is concerned and it is totally acceptable to say no to the crazy making.  Not sure how much sense that made to her, but I hope it will stick in her mind for later use.  My mother left me a voicemail last week and said "Hi, it's me just checking on you and the kids.  I just wanted to say that I love you.  I love you, Michelle - pause - bye".  I almost called her immediately.  It was the first message she has ever left where she said that specifically to me.  Then I realized how happy my life has been since she has been out of it.  I have had more peace, happiness, lack of stress, etc just since I have started these strict boundaries.  I don't want to lose that.  

During my time of peace this weekend, I wrote a letter to myself from God.  My counselor had given me a great suggestion once to write a letter to myself as an outsider looking in at my life.  I never had any inspiration on this subject.  This weekend I was reading my bible and really meditating on a few verses.  I really felt peaceful and loved during this time.  I was inspired to write a letter to myself from God - his perspective over mine.  I wanted to share it with you.

Dear Michelle –

I know that you have been having a rough time with your mother and I am so sorry for all the pain and heartbreak that she has caused you.  It is very hard to look at a situation that you are in and realize that it is even worse than you initially thought it was.  I am so proud of you for taking these steps to creating a better, safer, happier place for your family and yourself.
You have always been so special to me.  As a child, you were such a blessing to your family.  You were so sweet and always wanted to take care of everyone else.  You are still that way.  It is a very good quality to have when the person you are taking care of wants to take care of you in return.  I think you realize now that the relationship with your mother is not that way.  It is a damaging, toxic, destructive relationship that only leaves you feeling bitter, rejected, angry and alone.  It is not your fault that your mother will not change.  It is not your fault that you cannot help her or fix the situation.  It is not your fault that she does not love you.  I think you realize now that in addition to these things not being your fault, they are not your problem either.  You have done more than you should have to try to repair the relationship between you and your mother.  There is nothing that you could do or could have done to make her change her ways.  It is her choice to remain in this state of mind.  It is time to let go.  It is time to feel happy again.
I know that you feel hurt that your mother cannot be the type of mother that you need.  You have been so blessed with other mother figures in your life.  You have many people that deeply love you and want to care for you in this time of need.  Turn to them for compassion, empathy, and understanding.  Give them the blessing of allowing them to care for you for awhile.  
I am here for you.  I will show you what true love feels like.  I will help you to change the patterns of your childhood and turn them into healthy ways of living.  I will show you how to be the parent to your children that you were never taught to be.  I will fill the voids in your life in ways you could never imagine.  I will make you whole again.
I love you.  I am proud of you.  I find great happiness in your decisions to break the cycle of damage and pain.  There is nothing that you could do to make me love you any less.  I am here for you any time you need me.  I will never abandon you or expect things that you are unable to give.  
I love you deeply,  

This letter brought me great comfort because part of the reason that I have always stayed in the cycle of damage with my mother is that I always thought that was my "Christian" duty as a daughter.  I now realize that God is not that way.  He does not expect me to keep allowing myself to get hurt by this woman.  He wants the best for me and he will help me to achieve a better life for me and my family.  

I read on another recent post, "Fundamental Religious Background" that some parents use religion to get what they want.  I don't believe that those people truly understand the real and loving God.  I would encourage anyone who has experienced parents or relationships with those beliefs to search God out in your own life.  You will not find the same God that they say they are worshipping.  It makes me sick when people use religion as a scare tactic.  My parents did that as well.  And had affairs, sexually abused their children, etc etc etc in their free time.  Hmmmm...confusing huh.

Take care all,
Big healing hugs to all (by the way, I heard a neat idea the other day.  When you want to show someone you truly care for them or show true compassion, give a 30 second hug!  Try it - most hugs on average last no more than 10 seconds!)  : )

Healing one day at a time.....

mighty mouse

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Letter from God
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2004, 03:04:52 PM »

I am not very religious but have struggled with the commandment of honoring your Father and Mother.  I guess if my Mom needed a roof and food, I would give it to her, but I certainly won't stay around to be abused anymore.

I'm a bit further in my journey of cutting NMom out. I haven't spoken to her in a year.

Good luck to you in your journey and I liked your letter. I've written many non-posted letters to my Mom. It's very cathartic.



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Letter from God
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2004, 07:02:38 PM »

A beautiful and moving letter. Doing something creative, just for yourself, is really healing.

My beef with a Judeo-Christian God is, if He loves us so much, why'd he stick us with these parents? So my idea of God is influenced by Yogananda, i.e., God sets cosmic energy in motion and isn't really supervising it.



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Letter from God
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2004, 11:27:21 PM »
   Thanks for sharing the letter!
   I can relate so much to your letter and post.



Thanks so much for your insight and support.
It aided my healing. Too much of my heart
was in this post to let it remain here for posterity on the web.
The post served its purpose and now it is time to
edit it or gently take it down.
To every thing there is a season, and a time
to every purpose under the heaven:  Ecclesiates 3:1


Thanks again Michelle,
Romans 8:31-39


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Letter from God
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2004, 12:44:26 AM »
Hi Michelle,

Your letter from God is a great idea.  It is also very well written.  Wonderful!

Take Care,


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Letter from God
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2004, 09:36:17 AM »
MM - Wow!  A year, huh.  How does that feel?  Did you go through a mourning period?  What happened after that?  My counselor has said that it is kind of like mourning a death in a way.  Do you agree with that after a year?  Just curious as to what is on the "other side" of this for me.  Please feel free to share any letters you have written here for us to read if you feel comfortable with that.  I find that very healing too - reading others thoughts to their "N's".  Sometimes it helps me to make connections that I haven't gotten to yet.  Thanks for your support.

Bunny - There are lots of things about God that I don't understand completely and don't have the answers to.  I just know that He is my only stability and peace in all this craziness, so I know he is there.  When I seek Him, I feel Him completely.  Thanks for always being supportive.  You are a treasure on this board.   : )

Flower - Welcome!  I like your descriptor of "love bombs"  - a very accurate description and not one I have thought of!  Very well worded!  You should be very proud of the way you have dug into analyzing your mom.  I really liked some of your suggestions especially:  listing out the ways she manipulates and undermines; finding the humor; and thinking about the trigger words.  That was very helpful, thank you for your insight.  Thanks for the verse reference.  I love that part of Romans.  Very meaty and good for meditating on.  I also love Psalms 139 the whole chapter - but especially v 13-16.  Thank you flower - I'm glad your here!

Learning - Thank you for your kind words.  I always enjoy your support and encouragement.  You are very gifted in those areas!  

Healing one day at a time.....

mighty mouse

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Letter from God
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2004, 07:05:54 PM »
Hi Michelle,

You asked how it feels after a year of not talking to my NMom (I call her Mother Superior)?

I've found it to be the BEST thing I've ever done. It's allowed me to start having a voice and to grow up. I think I'd been stuck somewhere in my childhood still waiting for the love and approval. This process started with me kicking my NPD sister to the curb and subsequently my Mom.

Admittedly, I think it was easier for me than most because my Dad has passed (so I wouldn't be missing him), and I ascertained that if I wanted a relationship with some of my Sibs (I have 7 of them), that I could do that independently. All 7 are in various stages with my Mom and I know which ones I can relate to and which ones I can't.

Since my Mom is a very covert N, she hasn't told any of my sibs (except one) that we're not talking since she doesn't want to look bad. But she did sic my NPD sister on me to try to get me into line. It didn't work and I am now more convinced than ever that I did the right thing since she tried that triangulation tactic with my sick sister.

Also I live in Texas and she's in PA. Ahhhh. the distance has been good to me. I've also had my income cut in the last couple of years and it's a concrete excuse to not visit - I really can't afford it. I used to visit every year, send really nice gifts (Oh, I will miss those holey, wrong sized sweaters she got me for Christmas), and played her games and to tell the truth it was expensive. I used to go to all of my family stuff...weddings, graduations, even alumni banquets because she would expect it. She was one of those who pushed the myth of us being a close family!

I finally realized that we weren't close and all the stuff that I did (which was not reciprocated) was costing me alot of money and was not appreciated by her or anyone up there. So after I accepted her for what she is, I found it to be okay. And it gets more okay with time.

I do come to this board for support. It's a big step to take. But now I can look people in the face, I can challenge people who are trying to play me and I can stand up for myself and feel like a real, honest to god, fully functioning and fully feeling person.

So I have gotten alot out of this. I can joke and be silly, I've developed more empathy for others and I actually feel like I have something to contribute.

The last conversation I had with my Mom made me feel sick physically. That's when I knew I was going to make a change. And thank goodness for technology (caller ID, etc.). I've dodged her to the point that she knows I'm gone. Too bad for her, but then she never bothered to know me anyway. And I think I'm a pretty neat person after all of this!

Good luck with your journey. And as far as the letters that I never posted, they served their purpose and at some point in time I shredded them. Oh, and I also cleaned my whole house from top to bottom and threw out "other" old useless stuff. Last year was quite a year for me. And thank you for asking.



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Letter from God
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2004, 08:05:44 PM »

  Thanks for your welcome and feedback!
  The learning experience has been both painful and rewarding. My mom's "love bombs" are effective as is the "love bombing" done by cults to entrap new members. Her special attention, because I couldn't see it was self-serving for her, worked with me and it was painful when it was withdrawn to punish me. I've found websites on cult behavior helpful to understand the dynamics of the family in which I was raised.  Also sites about manipulation and social influence have helped our family a lot. We  have studied informal logical fallacies and I think somehow that has helped us also to be less manipulated. Exploring these areas helped us unravel our stirred up emotions and put a label on what was really going on. is one site that contains a list of techniques used by the abuser/verbal abuser and what the abuser is really saying by their behavior/words. This  particular list was very helpful to me even though it has the abuser as a man.



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Letter from God
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2004, 08:06:02 PM »

  Thanks for your welcome and feedback!
  The learning experience has been both painful and rewarding. My mom's "love bombs" are effective as is the "love bombing" done by cults to entrap new members. Her special attention, because I couldn't see it was self-serving for her, worked with me and it was painful when it was withdrawn to punish me. I've found websites on cult behavior helpful to understand the dynamics of the family in which I was raised.  Also sites about manipulation and social influence have helped our family a lot. We  have studied informal logical fallacies and I think somehow that has helped us also to be less manipulated. Exploring these areas helped us unravel our stirred up emotions and put a label on what was really going on. is one site that contains a list of techniques used by the abuser/verbal abuser and what the abuser is really saying by their behavior/words. This  particular list was very helpful to me even though it has the abuser as a man.
