Hey guys it's been awhile since I chatted with you all. I hope everyone is doing well and having a good time or good cry every now and then!!
I have been doing well on my road to recovery after leaving my alcoholic
husband and my phsyco N boyfriend!! I had upsetting news today, I had people from my ex-job call me and told me they had heard a rumor about me and my kids and that we were in a car accident and died!!!
How horrible is that to think someone thought that and then told someone else without looking up the facts!!! My son the humorist said "mom maybe we are dead and we don't know it" I told him I still have bills to pay so I am sure I am alive

Anyway it kind of freaked me out that someone would say such awful things but then that is why I left such horror people behind. Unfortuntely we have to leave the bad behind to find the good and I have, my new job is going awesome and I have made so many friends!!! Change is good no matter how you get there it is GOOD!!!! To think less then a year ago my dream of finding a good job and a nice home and people who care about me was a pipe dream but I took a leap of faith and it made me soar!!!! Thanks for letting me vent about my awful experience today!! Have a great Friday and weekend!!!