I am not a professional, so I am only speaking from my own admittedly limited experience and understanding.
When a child evidences a pathology of some sort, doctors try to diagnose why in order to find a method of assisting healing and health. Another why can be asked- Why would an innocent child be struck with illness, etc.
These two whys may have some correlation on some level, but they are not the same question ultimately. When the why causation of the physical manifestation is addressed and ascertained, if there are any medical interventions, they can then be utilized to fight the disease itself. The why question of why was the child visited with the disease in a metaphysical sense may never be answered on the level of the human mind and heart.
We can support each other in our sharing and finding healing for our problems as they are manifested, but may never be able to metaphysically understand the reason that these and other pathologies exist on the earth plane. If there are ways to treat what is happening, we can share them and also give loving support. We can also ponder the metaphysical why together, knowing that our understanding and power in that area is limited, and may even take some solace from that endeavor as well.