Upon confronting H about a really icky habit he has (that I will not mention by indication here), his reply was to attempt to use an "I feel" statement in a rather Narcissistic way.
Normally, if someone is upset about being confronted, and wants to use a non-narcissistic "I feel" statement, it might sound like this:
"I feel disrespected and angry when you confront me about my behavior."
instead what i got was this:
"I feel that you disrespected me by commenting on my behavior."
I tried to explain to him that the entire purpose of "I feel" messages, are to have the person TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIS OWN/HER OWN FEELINGS. They are meant to totally take the other person off the defensive.
He didn't seem to care and he said "there is NO difference in how I said it or how you just did."
Narcissists just are not happy unless they can keep that little "dig" in there at ya.
still, movin forward into family meeting next...should be interesting.
N daughter started in on me at dinner time tonight, since my husband was not there to shut her up. My other daughter joined her in the attack against me too and then almost got the 8 yr old to ally as well.
Result: when the two older daughters told me they needed to use my computer, I refused to allow them to and told them that they needed to be respectful if they wanted to borrow my things.
The 13 yr old asked "WHY? I didnt do nothin!" when I explained what she did, she said "whatEVER"
The 18 yr old said "Fine, then I WON'T GO TO COLLEGE!" I told her, "you can use the library computer for your college papers." She said "SCREW YOU!"
I did NOT give in, I told my husband what happened, which he didn't back me in anyway, but i stuck to my guns and told him that was how it would be when they treat me badly. I will NOT be used and abused and then have them act all innocent. Not playin that game.