Author Topic: Relational agression and walking wounded  (Read 869 times)

finding peace

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Relational agression and walking wounded
« on: December 08, 2007, 06:14:49 PM »
To everyone:

I have been troubled by this all weekend, and I feel I need to clear the air. 

Please know that I am not trying to perpetuate any drama, and plan to lock this thread.

I wanted to acknowledge and apologize to a few others here who I think have been deeply hurt by relational aggression on the board as I stood as silent witness.

I tend to see patterns.  I do believe that what I was observing was a pattern that has occurred about 4 or 5 times now.   

I am not naming names, because I don’t want to dredge up anything from the past that has long been gone.  Those who were affected know who you are. 

I am sorry I silently stood by and said nothing, although my gut was telling me something was not right with the picture of words I was seeing.

I think that the reason I am speaking up know, is that Dismayed’s post reminded me of my mother, who was a silent witness to all my father did to me.  Not only was she a silent witness, she frequently crossed over to enabler, collaborator, or aggressor. 

It struck me with Dismayed’s post that I too was a silent witness – I was doing exactly what my mother did to me, and the pain of that as a child was unbearable.   I refuse to repeat that pattern when I suspect harm is being done whether that harm is being done knowingly or unknowingly.

And that is the part that is also troubling me.  In refusing the path of silence, I have created more pain.  I realize that we are all walking wounded to some extent, and it is most likely that the pattern I believe I saw in the words of others was driven by their own wounds, which is heartbreakingly sad. 

It is almost as though negative emotions have a life force their own.  One is deeply wounded and whether knowingly or (as I suspect in most cases) unknowingly passes that wound on again and again and again.

I carefully considered the consequences of that post, as I did not want to cause any harm.  But I could not be my mother and stand idly by whilst someone was being hurt.

I am sorry if I have caused pain to anyone involved, for any drama I caused, and to those of you who I did not speak up for before.  I truly regret that.

Much love to you all from one of the walking wounded,

PS.  Dismayed thank you for your post on relational aggression.  I learned a lot from it, especially in the context of my family.
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