Good morning, everybody!
Life feels really nice to me. I am on my new type of thyroid meds and i feel so much better physically, but also, my husband and I are a "team" now, being able to put the children in "their places." Before this, the two teens would rise up and pit one of us against the other one. Now, when they start that, my husband puts an immediate stop to it.
My girls seemed to think they had the right to boss me around, and, until my man began stepping in, it continued to escalate to a point that I felt very cornered and ganged-up on.
Last night we had a family meeting...first one in a while, and it went rather well, with minimum chaos and no fighting. When my daughter started up, I just got silent and let her speak and reflectively listened, paraphrased what she said, back to her, and we went on.
I also apologized to the family for neglecting them years ago from 2001-2004, and asked that they forgive me and let me back "in" to the family circle. Anna said "we'll put that under consideration." (she's the N one)
Anyway, all in all, life feels nice to me at last.
Heading to church with hubby and youngest daughter and visiting a new church after with eldest daughter.