I'm sooo very sorry you are hurting from the distancing and hurtful behavior your brother is showing you. Please know that you in no way deserve it, nor can it be construed as ok in any shape or form. He is lashing out at you and apparently others and that is inexcusable, whatever he is going through.
But that aside, let me also say that I can understand a bit of what your brother may be feeling I've never lashed out at others because of it. I tend to internalize everything. But I know this. It is devastating and I mean totally devastating to be in the position your brother is in, particularly if you were raised to really identify with what you do for a living and particularly if you are a man Identity and sense of self in closely tied to work. I'm not a guy but I grew up in an Nhousehold where the ONLY thing that mattered about a person is how powerful and financially successful a person was and what they did for a living. I lost my job through no fault of my own and it was the only thing I had in my life. I lost everything. I'm still in that position. Despite incredible amounts of effort---interviews, research, job applications, etc, I have not found a job. I feel just huge amounts of failure and shame and am in complete despair. It really destroys you.
So while I don't agree with your brother's actions, I can understand what he may be feeling. And when you're in that position, you also tend to start thinking about other things in your life....family or lack thereof, friends, lack of achievements, etc. It can be overwhelming.
You have told your brother you are there for him. He knows you care. That's all you can do for now. He won't take your calls or e-mails Perhaps in a little while, you can send him a card with a simple but caring sentiment just to let him know you are thinking of him. I know I would dearly love for my brother or someone to just say, "I'm really sorry you are having to go through this right now. I'm here for you if you need it."
So try and not take it personally. It is wrong the way he is treating you and you should not foster that behavior or accept it. Perhaps a little space and understanding is all he needs now.