Author Topic: Mother was a Narcissistic Rageaholic  (Read 33412 times)


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Mother was a Narcissistic Rageaholic
« on: December 09, 2007, 11:23:04 AM »
I'll probably be telling my story in bits and pieces as I gain the strength to handle the disclosure. 

My mother was a Narcissistic Rageaholic.  None of us knew, from one second to the next, what would set her off and start pounding on us, cursing at us, calling us every name one can think of, etc.  Her favorite line was:  "What would the neighbors think?"  At the same time, she thought nothing of talking about these same neighbors as if they were the dirt under her feet.

I was the last born and she let it be known, as long as I can remember, that I was neither wanted nor welcome in her vicinity.  She tried, several times, to find ways to throw me away only to have her attempts thwarted by other adults.  She would then take her rage and resentment out on me, calling me a "retarded whore".  This happened before I was even 13-years-old.  When I was in the first grade, I didn't know that I couldn't see well.  My Nmother would react to my squinting and holding things close by pounding on me more.  My school had to FORCE her to take me to an opthamologist and my visual problem was finally diagnosed.  She resented being forced to spend the money on the specialist.  When he told her that I had to have glasses, she resented spending the money on that as well since it took money away from her "golden child" (my brother).  When we went to get my first pair of glasses, I chose a frame IDENTICAL to what she wore!  Was that good enough?  No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!!!!

I was also born with multiple birth defects that were not diagnosed until I was approaching adulthood.  I needed orthodontic work, badly, at age 12.  Nmother ignored the need for treatment and used the effects of these birth defects as an excuse to beat on me because my appearance "made her look bad".  A lot of these defects could have been surgically corrected while I was a child.  Because they were neglected and ignored, they are no longer able to be corrected.

She carefully taught and groomed my brother to join her in her sick games as they both pounded on me because they felt like it.  I couldn't even sit in a corner and read in peace without one or both attacking me without warning for no logical reason.  My Nmother also spread her poison around the family, convincing everyone that I was a "retarded little whore" that did not belong in HER house.  Looking back at what happened, I realize now that she was attempting to "pimp me out" so she could give herself another excuse to get rid of me.  When she "pimped me out" to her pedaphile boyfriend, I fought him off until I was old enough to call the police on my own.  He got arrested and Nmother flew into an Nrage, attempting to force me to drop the charges because I "deserved what all whores get".  I refused so she went to the prosecutor, with her poisonous mouth, and convinced him that I was "too mentally ill to know what I was doing".  He NEVER met with me nor made ANY attempt to talk to me and get my side of what happened.  My voice was taken away in court!  (She was also probably protecting her own !@# because if the truth came out, she would have most likely gone to jail for exposing me to sexual abuse.)

Interestingly, when my brother announced he was moving out to go live with a roommate, the "golden child" quickly learned that he was no longer "golden". Nmother flew into another Narcissistic rage and attempted to beat him into submission with the intent of forcing him to stay with her forever because she considered him her "property".  The more she attacked him, the faster he packed and the sooner he left.  She attempted to manipulate me into siding with her against him and I told her to "let him go".  For the longest time, she continued to act as if her son, my brother, was her "husband" who betrayed her by leaving her and eventually getting married.  (It wouldn't surprise me that she demonized her daughter-in-law at every opportunity, hoping that her son would get a divorce and return home.)

Other memories that have surfaced:

My Nmother telling me, to my face, that she never wanted me, that she wanted to abort me and that the only child she ever planned to have was my brother.  She's saying this to me, in a very calm, businesslike, almost "flat" tone while I'm still a teenager.

When my next door neighbor, who was my "second mother" suddenly died, she laughed and smirked while punishing me for crying over the death.

When a neighbor's dog died giving birth to the puppy they were going to give me, (the puppy died too), I was punished for crying about that too.

When I was little, I was being pounded on for God-knows-what in front of all the relatives, no explanation, nothing.  Because I didn't cry immediately, (shock, I suppose), she pounded me harder.  When I did finally start to cry from the pain, her response?  "You want to cry?   I'll give you something to cry about!" and proceeded to pound me even harder in front of the relatives.  No one bothered to speak up and say:  "That's enough!"

More memories:

When I started working on my Associate of Arts degree, I was constantly being told that I was wasting space in the classroom because I was "too retarded to be there"; otherwise my academic endeavors were completely ignored.  When my brother started going to a community college on the GI Bill, my Nmother basically CROWED to everyone about how her baby boy was going to college!  Her poisonous mouth influenced the other relatives so much that when I sent out my announcements that I was graduating with my Associate of Arts and Science degree, (getting on the Dean's List), then my Bachelor's degree, (President's Scholar, Summa Cum Laude), and Master's degree, NONE of the relatives attended.

When I was still in grade school, I sewed a gingham apron and decorated it with cross-stitch.  I put a lot of work into it and designed it with pockets.  My Nmother's response to my work was to immediately throw it into the trash while she gloated about the shop project that my brother did.  (I retrieved the apron from the trash and hid it and I still have it.)  The message from my Nmother at the time was loud and clear.  I felt that she was nonverbally telling me that only garbage makes garbage and will always be considered garbage by her.  She went so far as to take other people's TRASH and attempted to "gift" that TRASH to me.

One Christmas, when I was still a kid, I got some components, (gumdrop Christmas trees, candy canes, a piece of styrofoam), and made a Christmas sculpture.  My Nmother watched me work on it for quite a while.  As soon as I finished it, she looked at it with a smirk and then smashed it to pieces, telling me that "only retards play with trash".

When I was about 13 to 14 years old, my school referred my entire family to counseling.  One night, when it was my brother's turn to do the dishes, he continued to sit and eat.  He continued to take another clean dish out of the cupboard every few minutes while he continued to eat.  Nmother ordered me to wash the dishes AND take out the trash because my "brother was busy".  The more I washed, the more dishes he continued to dirty up while Nmother watched and smirked.  I finally threw down the gauntlet and shouted "That's enough!  He can wash his own dishes if he wants to continue to eat after dinner is supposed to be done!"  The next day, Nmother dragged me into the therapist's office, pointed her finger at me, and screamed:  "She's mentally ill!  She REFUSES to obey ME!"  The therapist had the wisdom to talk to me alone and I described what had happened the night before.  The therapist spoke to my brother alone, then with my Nmother alone.  Then the therapist met with all of us, as a group, and he told my Nmother:  "She's finally starting to think, feel and behave like a normal 14-year-old.  GET OFF HER BACK!"  My Nmother was so enraged because the therapist refused to obey her orders.  She grabbed my brother by the hand and stormed out of the therapist's office.  She and my brother got on the bus and left me there.  I had to get busfare from my therapist so I could go home.  Needless to say, my then-therapist was NOT happy with my Nmother's behaviors.

Several years later, when my Nbrother got married, I was informed that I was permitted to attend ONLY because I was Nmother's chauffeur.  I was not permitted to be in any of the wedding photos and called a "retard" during the event.  At the reception, Nmother walked around the room, attempting to garner sympathy from the wedding guests because her "baby boy was never going to come home and live with her where he belonged".  I finally got fed up with her sympathy ploy, walked over to her and told her, "Shut up!"

Another memory takes places during the mid-1970s while the Oil Crisis was going on.

I had moved away from home, was attending school part-time and working full-time.  My Nmother called me, one day, asking me if I was going to drive her and her sister, (my Naunt), to some place in Virginia that was about 100 miles away.  The purpose of this "trip" was to go visit a former relative, (who used to be married to my uncle), just to see how she was doing because she was "so concerned".  (I have no memory of ever meeting this relative as she and my uncle were divorced while I was still a baby.  This uncle died several months before this "trip" was suggested.)  I was suspicious about Nmother's "rationale" because during my entire life, she had NEVER had one kind word to say about this former relative.  (While the uncle was alive, he was basically her source of the latest "dirt" that she dished all over the place, with relish.)  Rather than argue with her, I suggested that we split the cost of the trip three ways:  I pay one-third, she pay one-third, and the Naunt pay one-third.  She attempted to counter that with a guilt-trip because I was "family".  (How convenient!)  I responded:  "Have you seen the prices at the gas pumps lately?  I can't afford to pay all of the trip's expenses, out of my pocket, to go see someone that I don't even know!"  She stated that she would discuss this suggestion with Naunt.  A few minutes later, I get another call from Nmother to "Forget About It" and she hung up.  I continued about my business while Nmother and Naunt stayed P.O.ed at me because I refused to do as they dictated.  Since I was no longer living at home, she could no longer beat me into submission and I think that p***** her off too.

Nmother also carefully taught and groomed my brother to join her in her sick games.  One night, when I was in the bathroom, he decided he was going to force his way in.  The door had a hook and eye fasterner and when the door flew open, the open part struck me in the head and gouged out some flesh.  I started bleeding profusely and had to be taken to the hospital for stitches.  Nmother cursed me for that and said nothing to Nbrother.

Nmother also resented the fact that my hair could not maintain a natural curl.  She continued to attempt to force my hair into "Shirley Temple curls" without success.  I dreaded school picture days because she would continue these futile attempts and by the time my class was marched down to the school photographer, my hair was already drooping and straight.  Then I would get a beating when I got home and another beating when the pictures came out.

I mentioned earlier that I needed orthodontic work, badly, by the time I was 12 years old.  I was born with a maxillofacial deformity that included jawbones that were too small to hold the normal number of teeth.  When my permanent teeth started coming in, some came in sideways and others potruded at strange angles.  This also affected my ability to speak clearly.  Every time I mentioned the need for orthodontic work, she would fly into a narcisstic rage and beat me.  Every time I tried to speak about anything else, she would hit me in the face and scream at me to "stop talking through (my) nose!" The dentist that she insisted on taking us to when my brother and I were younger was really a quack.  (He attempted to straighten his teeth with only rubber bands and pulled one of his permanent teeth without anesthesia.)  My Nmother wanted him to yank all of my teeth for her convenience.  I refused!  Her attempts to beat me into submission over that didn't work.  I started seeing a different dentist when I started working part-time, I went to a different dentist who told me what I had known since I was 12, orthodontic work.  He referred me to an orthodontist across the street.  Because I was under the age of 21, orthodontic work required a contract that I could not legally sign.  At the same time, my teeth were so bad that I could not wait until I was 21.  Both my own dentist and orthodontist told me that my Nmother would have to sign the contract while I was making the payments.  They gathered the evidence needed (i.e. X-Rays, dental impressions) to make their case and asked me to tell Nmother to schedule an appointment with both of them.  Her response was to SCREAM at me and call me names.  I told her that if she doesn't call them, then they are going to call her.  She went to meet my own dentist and attempted to tell him that I was "retarded", "mentally ill", that I was trying to "steal", I was nothing but a "lying, thieving, whore", etc.  My dentist calmly told her:  "I'm a professional.  Her teeth are so crowded that I CANNOT CLEAN THEM PROPERLY!  If I, a professional dentist, can't clean her teeth properly, what makes you think SHE CAN?!?"  That shut her up long enough for him to show her my X-Rays.  Then he sent her across the street to the orthodontist.  When she got there, he told her to wait in his office until he was finished with a patient.  On his desk, she saw several dental impressions displayed on his desk.  She noticed one that looked really HORRIBLE and she thought to herself, "What mother, in her right mind, would neglect their child THAT BAD?!?"  Being the nosy busybody that she has always been, she grabbed that particular dental impression and flipped it over.  The HORRIBLE dental impression happened to be MINE! 

Another memory that has come to the surface:

My Nmother, Nbrother and I were visiting my grandparents.  My Nbrother got a hold of my grandmother's watch and, shortly after, my grandmother realized it wasn't where it had been.  My grandmother asked about it and my Nmother demanded that my Nbrother and I answer.  I had been sitting in the living room reading and I honestly answered that I did not know anything about the watch.  My Nbrother lied and pointed the finger at me while he was smirking.  Nmother believed him and began beating me, screaming she was going to get the truth out of me.  I kept repeating the same information...that I did NOT know anything about the watch.  She finally got tired of beating me and my story never changed.  However, for YEARS, whenever my Nmother took me anywhere and she encountered someone she knew, she would make it a point to jam her finger in my direction and talk to this other person about what a "lying thief" I was and Nmother acted as if I wasn't even there or had any feelings.  When she saw me start to cry, she would slap me for crying while making her usual comment of:  "You want to cry?  I'll give you something to cry about!"

Years later, Nbrother tripped himself up.  Nmother noticed that someone had been going into her purse and taking money.  She automatically assumed it was me and beat me for that.  When I denied going into her purse, Nbrother smirked and lied:  "I SAW YOU SO DON'T YOU DENY IT!"  Nmother would beat me harder because I denied stealing from her.  Again, my story never changed.  Whenever Nmother had to go anywhere in town, she continued to drag me along with her.  One day, she took only her key, left her purse at home, then dragged me along to where she wanted to go.  After several hours, we came home and when Nmother started to put her key back, she realized that someone had gone into her purse and taken money WHILE SHE AND I WERE OUT TOGETHER!  Then Nmother realized that I was NOT the thief!  Before Nmother or I said anything, Nbrother waltzed, with a smirk on his face, pointed the finger at me and said:  "I SAW HER GO INTO YOUR PURSE AND STEAL FROM YOU AGAIN!  SHE'S NOTHING BUT A LYING THIEF!"  Nmother looked at Nbrother and commented that she and I had been out together so THIS time it was impossible.  That was one of the few times that Nmother beat Nbrother for stealing from her.  Did I get an apology?  No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!!!!!!

At one point, Nmother attempted to move the pedaphile boyfriend into the house with us.  I was ready to run away rather than live with a child rapist in the house.  My brother went to our sister and told her what Nmother was attempting to do.  My brother was so upset about Nmother's plans that he was CRYING!  (I have strong reason to believe that the pedaphile had been molesting him too.)  Our sister called Nmother, on a Saturday morning, and confronted her about what was going on.  I was still upstairs in my room and heard Nmother scream:  "Well, you know your brother's a liar and your sister is mentally ill, so why should you believe them?!?!?"  I heard Nmother slam down the phone and I stayed in my room and cried.  Later, when I got up and went downstairs, Nmother tried to play "victim" and attempted to portray my sister as "evil".  I refused to speak to Nmother.  Unfortunately, my sister never spoke to me about what had been going on regarding the pedaphile.  The !@#$ never moved into the house because my sister threatened to take legal custody of my brother and Nmother was so afraid of "what would the neighbors think" if her son was taken away from her.  I still had no idea of what my fate would have been other than to run away rather than be forced to live with a child rapist and Nmother.

One day, while I was still a kid, Nmother announced to me, in a "matter-of-fact" voice, "I always wanted to abort you but your father wouldn't allow it.  The only child I wanted is your brother."  Ironically, years later, he cursed her out, turned his back on her and walked out of her life.  Then she attempted to manipulate me to side with her against him, portraying him as an "evil monster".  My response?  "You created him!  You're responsible for teaching him all those behaviors that you're complaining about now so DEAL WITH IT!"

When I was about 16 years old, I had a nasty fall on the ice and landed on my back.  (This was before my birth defects were diagnosed.)  As a result of the fall, I developed a blood clot on my spinal cord which caused partial paralysis from the waist down.  Nmother ignored the injury and sent me on to school where a teacher recognized there was a problem and sent me to the school nurse.  The school nurse called my Nmother to come to the school to pick me up and take me to the doctor.  Nmother took me home and when Nbrother came home, consulted with Nbrother instead of calling the doctor!  She even had Nbrother put his hands on me to "examine" the injury!  (I still think that was a SICK thing for her to do!)  Nbrother commented that there was a lump on my spine that scared him.  Only then did Nmother FINALLY call the doctor, who told her to get me to the Emergency Room NOW!!!!

When my Nmother was on her deathbed, she commented that she had been perfectly aware of what the pedaphile boyfriend had done to ALL the children in the neighborhood in addition to his molestation of me.  Then she attempted to JUSTIFY these sexual assaults by stating:  "All children are naturally whores so they deserve to be raped!"  I didn't care whether or not the nursing staff heard me as I went off on her!!!  HOW DARE SHE ATTEMPT TO JUSTIFY CHILD RAPE?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2007, 01:12:06 PM by BonesMS »
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Re: Mother was a Narcissistic Rageaholic
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2007, 01:15:07 PM »
During the Hong Kong Flu Epidemic of 1968-1969, I suddenly became very ill while I was Christmas shopping and went home.  When I walked in the door, Nmother asked me if I was ready to eat dinner.  I told her that I wasn't feeling well and wasn't hungry.  Her response was to start SCREAMING at me that I must have eaten elsewhere without her permission!  She completely ignored the fact that I was on the verge of collapsing.  Within twenty-four hours, it became painfully clear that I had the Hong Kong Flu but there was never an apology.

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Re: Mother was a Narcissistic Rageaholic
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2008, 12:58:56 PM »
Another memory has resurfaced.  While I was still a kid, we were in a church kitchen with others preparing a church dinner.  I was told to peel and slice the onions, (without ever being taught how).  Because I didn't do it perfectly like an adult, Nmother started pounding on me, then grabbed the onion, smeared it into my face and rammed it into my mouth and screamed at me to eat it!  No one said a word or intervened.  They just stood there and watched.

One year, while I was still a kid, Nmother, Nbrother and I went to New Orleans.  There was one place that had a sign that only adults were allowed in.  Because my brother had reached adult size while still an adolescent, Nmother took him there and left me alone in the rented car for hours.  That made me feel like I was NOTHING!

One day, when I was still a child and outside playing with some playmates, I accidentally got wet.  When I got home, the Nmother yanked the wet clothes off of me and beat with with a belt while screaming curses at me.  I'm sure the neighbors heard my screams of pain.  She continued to beat me because I was screaming and crying in pain.  I think she enjoyed it.

Another time, when I was still a kid, she beat me for talking to one of my classmates in our neighborhood.  This classmate and I lived on the same street.  I had NO idea what I supposedly did wrong as we sat next to each other in elementary school.  It STILL makes NO sense now!

One day, while I was still elementary school-age, Nmother called me downstairs to the basement for some reason.  As I was walking down the steps, one of the basement steps gave, and I fell the rest of the way down the stairs and scraped up my back.  Nmother started SCREAMING at me as if I had deliberately done this.  A few days later, the same step gave under her but she was NOT injured.  She attempted to use this as a sympathy ploy for herself while ignoring my scraped up back.

Another time, while I was still a little kid, I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up.  I LOVED the ballet and stated that I would like to be a ballerina.  Nmother responded that I needed to shut up about that because I was too retarded to amount to anything.

When I was little, there was another child, that used to attend Sunday School, that I became friends with.  (He was about one year or two younger than me.)  He had been born with multiple birth defects which ultimately killed him when he was only 12 years old.  As I was crying over his death, Nmother kept shoving her purchases of the day in my face and kept demanding that I pay attention to HER demands!

Another memory that has recently resurfaced was when I was a child.  I had a phobia of thunder and lightning.  When a storm woke me up in the middle of the night, I began crying.  Nmother's response was to storm into my room, yank the covers off of me and began beating me with a belt!

One of the things I learned the hard way, as a child, was to NEVER approach Nmother if I was hurt, sick or frightened because her only response would be curses and beatings.  The message was that I was an inconvenience that she wished was dead.

Another memory that has resurfaced is from when I was a child.  I was outside playing, riding a second-hand bicycle up and down the street, when I saw a neighbor's body being removed from her home.  (She had just died from breast cancer that same day.)  When I mentioned what I had seen to Nmother, she started beating me and screaming at me.  (What in the HECK did I do that was so wrong?!?!?)

« Last Edit: February 28, 2008, 02:04:56 PM by BonesMS »
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Re: Mother was a Narcissistic Rageaholic
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2008, 01:48:45 PM »
I'm trying to recall if I had mentioned this before or not.

When I was a little girl, I was sitting in my room in front of a mirror, trying on different hairstyles.  My Nmother barged into my room, (I had no door), saw me playing with my hair and physically attacked me, beating me about the face and head, screaming that I was a whore.  At that time, I was too young to know what the word meant.  I still have no idea what I supposedly did wrong.

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Re: Mother was a Narcissistic Rageaholic
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2008, 12:33:52 PM »
It's been a while since I posted because work had me going seven days a week, with no time to really think.  Now that the winter shelter program has wrapped up and I'm sitting, catching my breath, another memory has popped up.

Years ago, I had the opportunity to go on a trip with a group and learn how to snow ski.  I wanted to go but Nmother kept trying to insist that because SHE doesn't like sports then I shouldn't either.  She was determined NOT to permit me to go.  My older sister managed to intervene and talked her into giving the necessary permission and I was finally able to go skiing.  (I enjoyed the experience ALOT, ESPECIALLY being away fron Nmother!)  However, when I returned from the trip and attempted to share what I had learned, Nmother told me to shut up!

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Re: Mother was a Narcissistic Rageaholic
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2008, 04:04:20 PM »
I know I've dumped quite a bit before so I might be repeating some things as memories keep coming to the surface along with the emotions tied to them.

As some of you may be aware, it's bathing suit season time again.  When I started considering purchasing a new bathing suit, because the one I have is starting to come apart at the seams, another painful memory came to the surface.  Years ago, my Nmother condescended to buy me a new bathing suit and I was able to use it for only one summer.  By the following summer, my growth spurt had begun and I discovered that I had outgrown it when I went to put it on.  Nmother flew into a RAGE and went at me because I DARED to outgrow the suit without HER permission!!!!  (Like any child can control growth spurts. Yeah, right!   :roll:)  When that memory came up, I felt rage and hate toward her.....still do.

I've also resumed some of the hand crafts that I used to do years ago.  I stopped doing them previously because no matter what project I attempted to work on, Nmother would always attempt to make it about HER and demand absolute, total, unquestioned control on how the project was done.  On top of that, when I attempted to work on my projects outside of the house, (i.e. crocheting), I encountered other N's who DEMANDED that I hand over my work to them for FREE because they were ENTITLED!  I told them, you want it, pay for my time, work and materials.  They got insulted because I DARED ask to be PAID for my work.  When I realized I couldn't just relax and enjoy my hobby without non-stop interference, I quit working on them altogether.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2008, 04:11:57 PM by BonesMS »
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Re: Mother was a Narcissistic Rageaholic
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2008, 11:04:23 AM »
Going through all these medical tests, and having childhood suspicions confirmed, has me feeling very upset and angry.  I can't help but feel that Nmother deliberately neglected my medical issues in the vain hope that I would die and she could play drama queen for attention while NEVER giving a !@#$ about what she was doing to an innocent child!

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Re: Mother was a Narcissistic Rageaholic
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2009, 01:43:38 PM »
I think she was a capital N.  One of the reasons I suspected her motivation for medically neglecting me is based on how she behaved regarding my older sister's death four years before I was born.  She insisted on demanding that everyone feel sorry for HER while completely ignoring the baby she lost at birth.  Not long ago, I was able to obtain a copy of my older sister's death certificate, as part of my genealogical research, and discovered that she had been cremated and, apparently, discarded.  There is NOTHING to commemorate her brief existence on this Earth.  That HURTS!

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Re: Mother was a Narcissistic Rageaholic
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2009, 10:56:16 AM »
I learned at a very early age NOT to depend on NWomb Donor whenever I got sick or injured.  Her consistent response was to fly into a RAGE for DARING to BREATHE without her permission!

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Re: Mother was a Narcissistic Rageaholic
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2009, 06:16:54 PM »
Another memory that has come bubbling to the surface.  My hometown started a teen club.  When Nbrother realized that I was also going to attend, (I was old enough), he whined to Nmother that he did NOT want me permitted to attend.  Both Nmother and Nbrother had this discussion in front of me as if I wasn't even there.  NWomb-donor agreed with him but commented that she had no legitimate means to prevent me from going.  She was afraid someone might find out what she did and what would the neighbors think?   :P

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Re: Mother was a Narcissistic Rageaholic
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2009, 10:20:26 AM »
I just had another painful memory come to the fore!

This past weekend, I went to the post office to check my post office box.  I noticed a dollar bill on the floor near where I was standing and there was no one else nearby.  I went ahead and picked it up and popped it into my fanny pack as I continued to go through the mail in my mailbox.

When I got home and took the dollar bill out, that was when I realized that it was NOT an ordinary dollar bill!  It was a BEN FRANKLIN!!!!!!!  Someone had dropped a HUNDRED DOLLAR BILL and left it behind!!!!!!!  I was absolutely STUNNED!!!!!  At that moment, a VERY PAINFUL memory came to mind.

Several years ago, when I was walking home from grade school, (I was about 12 or 13), I found money laying on the sidewalk.  I remember it was a large denomination...larger than I ever expected to see.  I picked it up, brought it home and made the BIG mistake of telling NWomb-Donor about what I found on the sidewalk.  She went off on me in a HUGE RAGE and took the money away from me.  To this day, I STILL HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I SUPPOSEDLY DID WRONG!

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Re: Mother was a Narcissistic Rageaholic
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2009, 12:59:34 PM »
Can anyone relate to this?

I realize now that NWomb-Donor was always sadistic.  She seemed to get a sick thrill out of inflicting any kind of pain on her children.  Another memory that came up involved her "morning ritual" in waking her children for school.  I remember she would go into my brother's bedroom, with a meat fork, and start poking him with it while she laughed.  At the time, I felt something was wrong with that picture but I didn't know what.  Now, years later, I realize that she was a sick and twisted B@#CH!

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Re: Mother was a Narcissistic Rageaholic
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2009, 06:04:28 PM »
Another memory has emerged involving another member of the dysfunctional FOO.

When I was still a child, I had been attending a party in someone's backyard and managed to win a small prize of an apple.  (Very RARELY does this happen.)  Instead of permitting me to enjoy the prize I won, my adopted older sister took it away from me and divided it among HER children, telling me "DON'T BE SO SELFISH!"  (I had nothing to start with and I ended up with NOTHING!  Pissed me off!  IT WASN'T HERS TO TAKE!)

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Re: Mother was a Narcissistic Rageaholic
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2009, 12:41:20 PM »
One of my hobbies is studying family history, (i.e. genealogy).  Having a background in psychology, I find myself attempting to conduct forensic psychology on various ancestors.  One pattern of behavior seems to emerge, again and again, with various ancestors...Narcissism!!!!

When I recently met a new cousin, she shared with me a story that had been handed down through the generations regarding an ancestor.  He often screamed at the neighborhood kids for simply making kid noises outdoors.  (They weren't even HIS children!)  He was even obnoxious enough to slam the piano lid down on a player's fingers because HE decided they had played long enough!  GEEZ!!!!  Makes me wonder if NPD could be hereditary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Mother was a Narcissistic Rageaholic
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2009, 12:05:36 PM »
In dealing with all the memories, I recently borrowed a book from my local library:  "Will I Ever Be Good Enough?" by Dr. Karyl McBride.  (She is a Daughter of a Narcissistic Mother too.)  The more I read, the more emotions get stirred up.  I wish there was a therapist, in my geographic area, similar to Dr. G. and Dr. McBride, because the therapists I have encountered where I live simply DO NOT GET IT about Narcissistic Rageaholic NWomb-Donors!!!!!

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