CB, Thanks for posting; I feel some heart-ache too, seeing a normal & private conflict (between the only two forum members I really know well) dissected publically, when it really could have been resolved privately, maybe with a little more time than just one day or so.
I'm probably above average pro-transparency (when it comes to myself), but I feel very deeply that the transparency (about Ami) offered in this situation was misguided and inappropriate. It was a betrayal of trust, and it rocked my boat a bit because I admit that Janet would have formerly been one of the first people I confided in if I had a problem. It weirds me out a tad thinking it could me, having my private life `tattled' by someone I trusted. Not that i couldn't handle that, or that I *really* mind (I am not generally up to no good, lol) but I do appreciate Janet's perspective on things, she can communicate both truthfully and in a nurturing manner. Plus, she's just great. There are things I would like to have gone to her with, and her alone. But i really feel blocked now, like I couldn't do that.
So what i feel is bad for Ami, for turning to her for help (understanding why she would), bad for Janet, for feeling overwhelmed by the information, But i feel really, really especially bad, about the betrayal of a confidence.
I love both these girls, but I am disappointed in janet's decision to do this, i guess. I really think changing the boundaries in a friendship is one of the trickiest things to do, and it takes time and usually means dealing with some hurt feelings. It really could have been resolved in a different way, which is a pity.
Overall, i guess there is probably no major harm done, and the information that was exposed probably will help Ami. But its a shame to see that the cost is probably the friendship between Ami and Janet.And maybe the other cost is, for me anyway, the loss of a potential confident.
X bella