I love this friend.
I get to see her finsished basement, which sounds sooooo cool.
She's never been married and kicks ass as the top salesman in her company year after year..... except this year, lol.
I adore her and we laugh and laugh and laugh together... can't wait!
I have to tell you.... I've already laughed till my stomach hurt twice today. The last one was over a story involving my brother, a ham bisquit and some dumb boy who farted at the party, thereby leaving 'particles' on the ham and bisquit, lol.....
My brother's persnickity and take issue with those kinds of things, lol.... ::almost falling out of chair laughing about that again::
That happened at this friend's house years ago.... and so.... I have her tell it again and try not to pee my pants.
I sometimes lose that battle with her

I'll have more stories when I get back.... I just love laughing with you guys.
Axa.... tonight I pop a cork and think of you and your beautiful girl: )