Author Topic: My inquiry is sincere Pls tell me what life is like without belief in God/heaven  (Read 16335 times)


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A fellow sister in the Lord brought some gentle correction to me about my habit of using capital letters in my posts.  I do know that many people consider caps to mean shouting. It was not my intention to shout nor to demean anyone by this thread.  I was capitalizing the word NOT in order to be sure that those who do not believe in God knew that I welcomed their responses.

I still actually do want someone to tell me what it is like to live life knowing that when it's over, that's it.  I just can't fathom that, unless you really are enjoying being here on this planet and that's enough for you.

Or, do you believe that you will be reincarnated as a higher thing/person?  My husband's supervisor is Buddhist and that is how she believes.

I'm really not wanting to condemn any belief by asking these things.  I really would like to know what it's like to not believe as I do.




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I just can't fathom that, unless you really are enjoying being here on this planet and that's enough for you.


I really am (enjoying it here) and it really is (enough for me). 

I don't think about an afterlife at all anymore, although I did at one time when my life here on earth was so miserable.  I havent really analyzed what I believe--only that it doesnt occupy my thoughts at all.

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Laura,  I have never said that I don't believe in God, so I will explain my belief about the afterlife, since you say you are only interested.

I believe that we are put on earth to leave the place better than we found it.  I believe that when we die, if we have not achieved this goal, that we come back for another life until we accomplish whatever the higher powers have in mind for us.  Once we accomplish this, we pass on to the Summerlands to find peace.

I don't worry about the afterlife.  I will go there when I'm ready and not before.  I have to concentrate on the here and no.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
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Dear Laura,

This is an interesting topic and one in which I have engaged with among groups of people in all walks of faith, or none, in workplace situations a few years ago now, during lunchtime!  Particularly, when working within a multicultural setting, which I enjoyed and very much appreciated being part of, making new friends, with people of varying cultures.  Honestly, we really did all get along smoothly.

Many times the subject of 'afterlife' and belief, or none, would crop up in our lively conversations.

So thank you, for an interesting thoughtfully written thread.

Very much appreciated.

Love, Leah
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Tayana,  yes that is interesting.  I especially like the part about the Summerlands.  What is that like? sounds so blissful and beautiful.

CB, thank you for not taking offense or thinking I had an alterior motive in my thread.  I'm so glad you decided to post.  I think that those who have an attitude that they were put here in order to better things, are wonderful people to know.  The truth is, right now, we all exist HERE, on THIS planet, and hopefully we all have the attitude to make a positive impact on our world :)  Very nice, CB. Hope to hear more on this wonderful view of yours.

Tears in my eyes just thinking of the lovely thoughts about life I'm hearing.  I believe we all came to this planet for a good purpose and it's so comforting to know I share this earth with others who see hope and good things as a goal while we do exist together.

Leah, thank you for your support too.  I'd love to hear more from you as you're wanting to share. 

I'm glad i stuck my neck out to learn of this.  We are all in this boat together in more ways than we know.



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Anyone else or would I do better to just close this thread?

I'm going C'mas carolling shortly, which, by the way, I really do not like Christmas carols, lol, go figure.  it's a time to be out with other fellow believers though, reaching out to other people with a joy message, so I'll do it just for something to do.  I do enjoy singing a lot.  It's also a reason for my eldest daughter to hang out with me a bit and drink cocoa and talk and stuff.  I am happy to be doing a people activity anyway.



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Hi Laura,

It feels peaceful.

Thanks for asking. Being agnostic means that I don't believe there is no God, or that there is a God. It means, in my case, "I don't know, but I remain open."

I do believe that there is holiness in beauty and in loving kindness.

That they are here in this present life is such a marvel to me that I could spend my whole life just absorbing that.

The main thing I feel is a deep sense of wonder, a great sense of mystery.
I feel that any word I would try to choose to name it, or who represents it, would be inadequate.

I feel about death is that it knows what to do. Like birth.
At some point the body takes over, and whatever we think or feel about the process, it will happen as it's designed to do.

I think death works the same way as birth. Something I'll need to get out of the way of and allow.
That feels like my duty, my inborn duty, as a human animal.

If afterlife is in other people's thoughts or hearts, I'll take it.
It's enough. I don't need to be promised more.
If it's to be gone and eventually forgotten, that's okay, I'll take my every other living thing.

If reincarnation works out, I'd like to come back as a big sea turtle in a clean, restored ocean.

I don't know. It feels best to me to stay in the wide, open, vast space of not knowing.

love and thanks for asking,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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ohhhhhhh sea turtles...they are such beautiful, elegant creatures, gliding through peaceful waters, aren't they!

Thank you so much for your intimate thoughts on this, Hops.



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You can ask my sister when she arrives for Christmas Holiday... ::looking at watch::


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your sister?  send her my way.  I'd love to hear from her.


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Hello Laura:

Most times I don't analyze the matter much either.  I am not a religious person, but I hope I have some spirituality.  It is not a question of belief, IMO.  I just don't know.  I am not saying there is or there isn't something "out there".  I simply do not know.  I am, I suppose, an agnostic.  I question.  My father used to sometimes say, half in jest: "well, no one has come back to tell us what it is like". 

I do believe that one must try to do good to others, not to do harm.  I also realise that religion is a great psychological help to many people in despair, and any help in those situations is good help.  I believe in tolerance.  I dislike preaching and preachers. 

Like Hops I quite like being in the vast space of not knowing.  Life is a mystery, and I also feel that sense of mystery.  I agree with Hops in that there is a holiness in beauty, in nature, and in kindness.   It feels peaceful.  Yes.

All the best


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All I can say,Laura, when I read your thread is you like to open cans(LOL). I want to write more later b/c but could not resist a comment.           Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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I have noticed that a lot of people who say they don't believe in G_d don't believe in the same concepts of G_d like 'creator G_d' or 'father G_d' and I'm not sure I believe in those myself so literally! But they often believe in the spirit of good, the spirit of love- a less visual or less concrete representation of what it is religions try to denote.

I've been from faith-place to faith-place and mostly people believe the same things, and are lead towards good by the loving compassionate in their communities and towards meanness by the people with bile-agenda as I call it!

It's just the structure seems to differ but all persisting religions seem to seek and embody a spirit of good, and many have common factors like prohibitions, guidelines, prayer, study of sacred texts, compassion to unbelievers, seekers and other faiths.

This is totally what I believe Jesus was trying to teach & reach people with- and what is meant by 'the body of Christ- bringing together all people to G_d.

Of course, the Romans applied concepts of conquest to the formation of the early church and some mysticism which became formalised in the rituals which in some ways substitute a relationship with 'the spirit'.

I don't know if there is an afterlife, if there is I suspect like everything else about us beings it would be part of our organic process, a transformation that we would have little say in!

I don't believe in a reward-system afterlife for people who said or did or believed certain things- that is politically motivated manipulation of people's fears I believe. There is no hell except as a representation of the concept of never having capacity to redeem oneself, to relive the lost opportunities, to be the best self here.

If there is heaven it would be universal and unconditional and to be with whatever this spirit-thing which all societies at all times seem to have sensed and tried to discover and define.

That is my belief. But if there is not heaven- I want to live my life well here, my little tiny precious fragment of time!



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A fellow sister in the Lord brought some gentle correction to me about my habit of using capital letters in my posts.  I do know that many people consider caps to mean shouting. It was not my intention to shout nor to demean anyone by this thread.  I was capitalizing the word NOT in order to be sure that those who do not believe in God knew that I welcomed their responses.

To address this above first. It seems that perhaps someone made you feel ashamed for not knowing internet protocol or that caps letters gets perceived as shouting in internet chat if you are just supposed to know? Cap letters in literature land and writing can mean titles and emphasis...what I am trying to say is not all people will perceive your cap letters has shouting.

It is OK with me.



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Without God and my deep faith in heaven I would be the way I was when I suffered from deep depression and hopelessness.

Seek and you will find, deep down in every man and woman is the idea of God or the question of why are we here and where did we come from and what happens when we die.

I do not believe in reincarnation -- that is occult thinking and heretical -- however, at one point I did try to adopt the belief but it just did not fit within my heart.

I know that God loves me enough to not give my soul and life to another...I am deeply loved and valued as I am. The choices I have made in life will be weighed and judged at death. I want to hear God say, "well done my servant."

When we die we die in full other words we become fully you can wait until you die to "awaken" or you can start doing the work healing, seek the one another and forgive.

This life is a stage the real world is the world of the spirit which never dies.


"The heart survives on hope."