Hi Laura,
It feels peaceful.
Thanks for asking. Being agnostic means that I don't believe there is no God, or that there is a God. It means, in my case, "I don't know, but I remain open."
I do believe that there is holiness in beauty and in loving kindness.
That they are here in this present life is such a marvel to me that I could spend my whole life just absorbing that.
The main thing I feel is a deep sense of wonder, a great sense of mystery.
I feel that any word I would try to choose to name it, or who represents it, would be inadequate.
I feel about death is that it knows what to do. Like birth.
At some point the body takes over, and whatever we think or feel about the process, it will happen as it's designed to do.
I think death works the same way as birth. Something I'll need to get out of the way of and allow.
That feels like my duty, my inborn duty, as a human animal.
If afterlife is in other people's thoughts or hearts, I'll take it.
It's enough. I don't need to be promised more.
If it's to be gone and eventually forgotten, that's okay, I'll take my turn...like every other living thing.
If reincarnation works out, I'd like to come back as a big sea turtle in a clean, restored ocean.
I don't know. It feels best to me to stay in the wide, open, vast space of not knowing.
love and thanks for asking,