I have many resolutions(I NEED many)
I want to accept my humanlty--all of it---thoughts, feelings, needs, selfishness, goodness, "badness" ---as JUST human.
I want to be more comfortable with 'travel"--any
I want to let more shame go
I want to see that I am totally different than my M--thoughts, perceptions, emotions
I want to live by my "core'--not Miss Nice
I want to know God better-. I want to" know "(in my heart)that He has the "arms" that are under all,in this crazy world. I want to rest in His arms
I want to express my emotions--not put them in my body,which I do,now. I don't even feel most emotions. They become stomach aches, dizziness or heart ache.
I want to give up the fear of death,so I can live fully.
I want to be able to gain some weight,if I care to---not be unable to eat b/c of emotions
I want my inner space to be "peaceful"
I want to have access to all layers inside---ego, superego and id(in Freudian terms) and just accept them all. I want to know that thoughts don't make me a "bad" person--actions do(or don't)
I want to perfect love(inside and outside myself)