Author Topic: advice that has helped me immensely re: this board...GIT A LIFE!  (Read 2408 times)


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advice that has helped me immensely re: this board...GIT A LIFE!
« on: December 16, 2007, 05:52:35 PM »
What I mean by this is, if those of you who are feeling ganged up on, targeted, demeaned, slandered, attacked, were to get a job, take a walk, visit another forum, build a snowman, anything............but being on here all day (if you are), I think you'd be a lot more balanced, happy, secure.

It may seem like I'm here all day sometimes,but honestly, in between posting or even reading this board, I'm hanging with my children, cleaning my house, going to church, working sometimes, reading books, walking dogs, is SO IMPORTANT to not become addicted, even to this Voicelessness Board.

I realize that some people are homebound, although, most of the people posting lately, I'll venture to say, that is not the case for you.  So, please, don't let the text on this board, form your entire day, week, month, year, life.  It honestly is not worth it.

What if, in the middle of a fight with Ami or me or CB or whomever, you got a phone call about your favorite friend dying of cancer.  Would ANY of this hub bub make a difference to you?  I'm guessing it might be put into a place where it belongs...a lower level of concern. 

If so and so hates you, disses on you, says your mother dresses you funny..and it's only done in TEXT by someone chances are you will NEVER meet face to face, why does it matter so much to you?  I still have never understood the emphasis put on offenses on this is a black n white, sterile place with a bunch of letters on it from someone you don't know.  Why are some of you so bent out of shape?

please inform me and if I'm off base, feel free to let me know that too...meanwhile, I'm going christmas carolling.

Merry Christmas or Bah's all up to you :)



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Re: advice that has helped me immensely re: this board...GIT A LIFE!
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2007, 06:04:24 PM »

I agree fully. It seems that some post numerous new threads every day and talk incessantly in self-aggrandizing ways about themselves, as they denigrate others. They need to chill!

Certain Hope

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Re: advice that has helped me immensely re: this board...GIT A LIFE!
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2007, 07:18:16 PM »

Your days sound very full!


I agree about getting a job. I've always worked at home, but being away from the house during the days has definitely been a great outlet for energy that might otherwise build up and find nowhere productive to go...?

Anyhow, I firmly believe in the old saying about idle hands bein the devil's workshop.

Thanks for the reminder.



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Re: advice that has helped me immensely re: this board...GIT A LIFE!
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2007, 07:18:41 PM »
I am always amazed at how open you have been here to hearing what you didn't necessarily want to hear... and taking it to heart. You have grown so much as a person and are a great example to us all on the board. You have gone from being argumentative and prickly, to stable and helpful. I can't believe one person can make so much progress. you have such a good heart and have really worked to make your life good. I just wanted to applaud and thank you.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: advice that has helped me immensely re: this board...GIT A LIFE!
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2007, 07:24:10 PM »
Dear Laura.
 I want to commend you here,also. I have seen such growth in you---so much more confidence and joy.,  As to the board, My 22 yr.old son will say to me when I get upset,'WHAT can they do to you, Mom. They are JUST in the computer(LOL). Kids---sometimes see to the core of things---bleh.             Love   Ami
« Last Edit: December 17, 2007, 07:19:02 AM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

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Re: advice that has helped me immensely re: this board...GIT A LIFE!
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2007, 07:43:06 PM »
I'm much like Izzy and Leah, I think - I switch on the computer early in the day, but as I run my business from home, I often have one browser on the forum, and another one open for 'work' (as I work for myself, I can't get sacked for 'surfing' during work hours, though).

Never seem to be enough hours in the day, actually - gardening in the summer ( plus a field full of vegetables to grow - literally), family history research in the winter, make all my own clothes, stitch all the emboroidery samples for my business, read avidly (non-fiction, almost always), plus very involved with my Chapel (groups, designing the website, outreach, making things). Walking, rid of the TV last year, and don't know now how I ever found the time to watch any of the drivel that is put on, these days.


cats paw

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Re: advice that has helped me immensely re: this board...GIT A LIFE!
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2007, 08:17:36 PM »

  One thing I want to add- behind those sterile letters on the screen are people.  So from one person to another -  Laura,- may you 
  and you family have the blessings of the Season, and happiness with the newest little blessing coming in 2008.

  I've been enjoying myself today- treating this day much the same as sending 3D cards.  The nice thing is one can do it much closer 
  to the actual holiday without worrying about the delivery being on time!

 cats paw


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Re: advice that has helped me immensely re: this board...GIT A LIFE!
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2007, 10:00:33 PM »
Try reading most of there posts from your phone!  Sometimes it cuts off the sentence and you cannot finish reading a post.  Then try writing on a phone and only getting 500 characters.  I probably would get much more involved in the WHOLE thing if it were easier.  Life IS too short to go off the deep end because of this board.  We have actually had people almost leap and I just do not get it.  Maybe that is why I often find humor in how explosive it sometimes gets-it seems ludacris to me.

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: advice that has helped me immensely re: this board...GIT A LIFE!
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2007, 10:23:52 PM »
WOW, I just got back from C'mas carolling with some basically virtual strangers (I only visited their church last week).  It was fun and the people were really funny!

I came home to this lovely extensive reply list on my thread.  Gosh how I LOVE that!  You all were wonderful in your comments.

Izzy, no I wasn't directing this post at you or Janet or anyone working from home.  It was merely me saying "lighten up, friends"  it's just a screen of words...yes there are people behind them, but they aren't the N's that hurt you, although some of them might have triggering traits Im sure.  This time, though, you can click the mouse on the X when it gets to be too much for ya.

It's wonderful coming home to all of you again though. 



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Re: advice that has helped me immensely re: this board...GIT A LIFE!
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2007, 11:34:48 AM »
My house looks like a million bucks with all the holly decked halls.... fa la la la la, la la la la.

I cleaned out my fridge last night..... it's one with a glass front so..... I had to have it spick and span and tidy, if only for myself. 

Martha Stewart pretty, it aint but.... it's clean and organized.... which is enough for me, lol.

We had a hugely successful piano recital Saturday night.  The parents all mingled like crazy... happily enjoying the food, drinking but remaining sober and laughing with cheer and good humor.....

the children about 20, including sibs, were peacefully at play all over the house.  The puppet stage and computers were in use and the play room was a wonder of cooperation and joy.

My oldest rocked the recital.... btw, lol ::shining fingernails::  I love Dragon Hunt.... it just never gets old :D

I'd like to think I do have a life, Laura.  ::putting together menus, baskets for guestrooms, tidying joyfully tidy house::  I'm laugh'in; )


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Re: advice that has helped me immensely re: this board...GIT A LIFE!
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2007, 11:47:44 AM »

I do have a life, thank you.  I don't have the board up all the time.  I work in IT, so I have the ability to check in frequently during the week, but less so on the weekends.

My weekends are spent doing things around the house, doing things with  my son, going to the library, etc.

I like to think I have a pretty full life.  Oh, and let's not forget writing.  I spend a lot of free time working on my books.


You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
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Re: advice that has helped me immensely re: this board...GIT A LIFE!
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2007, 11:54:44 AM »
I think your holly-decked halls sound gorgeous.  I'd love to see a pic of them if you could share?


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Re: advice that has helped me immensely re: this board...GIT A LIFE!
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2007, 12:19:17 PM »
I think your holly-decked halls sound gorgeous.  I'd love to see a pic of them if you could share?

Nope.... to busy bein a little mousey....

 munchin on the board's housy. 

Just kidding.....

sort'a :shock:

I'm actually too technically challenged at this time....... to pull that one off.  If a relative e mails me some photos.... I'll send them  your way.